On Jan. 23, 2024, US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, alongside US Congressmember Nikema Williams (D-GA), East Point Mayor Deanna Holiday Ingraham and other key leaders convened at Tricities High School in East Point, Georgia to discuss the importance of well-balanced, nutritious meals for children’s education and wellbeing.
Mayor Ingraham spoke on the panel about a USDA grant the city received for a pilot program that diverts food scraps from landfills and donates them as compost to BIPOC farmers in the community. She also called for preserving federal reimbursements that go to school nutrition programs, as well as more funding to establish community gardens and reduce food waste. For more about the city’s pilot program, see: https://www.eastpointcity.org/compostnow-receives-usda-grant-for-municipal-compost-pilot-program/
Georgia cities like East Point recognize they have a stake in making sure children in their communities are fed and fed well. They value opportunities to collaborate with schools, food banks and partners across the board – as demonstrated by East Point – that bring benefits ten-fold in the form of rural economic prosperity, educational attainment, youth engagement and overall community wellbeing. Among other programs through USDA, the Farm to School Grant Program gives cities the opportunity to ensure students have ready access to quality, locally sourced food through programs that benefit the community at large. Don’t miss out on these opportunities! https://www.fns.usda.gov/f2s/farm-school-grant-program