2025 GMA Annual Convention Registration - Register Now

RMEBS Leadership

GMA is the Program Administrator of the following Risk Management and Employee Benefits Services Programs: Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System (“GMEBS”), Georgia Municipal Association Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance Fund (“GMA WCSIF”), Georgia Interlocal Risk Management Agency (“GIRMA”) and GMA Defined Contribution and Deferred Compensation Program (“GMA DCDC Program”). Randy Logan,Deputy Executive Director, Risk Management and Employee Benefits Services, leads the GMA staff members that administer the programs, and Larry Hanson, GMA’s Executive Director, serves as the Secretary and Treasurer of the Boards of Trustees that provide oversight to the Programs.

Fifteen trustees, each of whom is an employee or elected or appointed official of a city that participates in the GMEBS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan and at least one of the GIRMA Programs, provide oversight for the RMEBS Programs. Collectively, the GMEBS, GMA WCSIF, GIRMA and GMA DCDC Program boards are referred to as the “RMEBS Boards”. Trustees are elected by members of GMEBS, GMA WCSIF and GIRMA at joint annual membership meetings. In the event of a vacancy, a new Trustee is appointed by the remaining Trustees. A trustee who is initially elected or appointed to the RMEBS Boards on or after January 1, 2021, must be an employee or elected or appointed official of a city that participates in the GMEBS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan, GMA WCSIF, and the GIRMA Property and Liability Fund. For information about qualifications or to nominate a qualified individual to serve as a trustee, see Serve on the RMEBS Boards.

As the Executive Director of GMA, Larry Hanson serves as Secretary/Treasurer and ex officio member of the RMEBS Boards. Other members of the current RMEBS Boards are:


Marcia Hampton City Manager, City of Douglasville

Vice Chair

Shelly Jackson Berryhill Commissioner, City of Hawkinsville


Danny Palmer Councilmember, City of Camilla
Betty Cason Mayor, City of Carrollton
Rebecca Tydings City Attorney, City of Centerville
JoAnne Taylor Mayor, City of Dahlonega
John Reid Mayor, City of Eatonton
Jason Holt Mayor, City of Fitzgerald
Jessica O'Connor City Manager, City of Griffin
Clemontine Washington Mayor Pro Tem, City of Midway
Meg Kelsey Assistant City Manager, City of Newnan
Albert Thurman Mayor, City of Powder Springs
Sammy Rich City Manager, City of Rome
Julie B. Smith Mayor, City of Tifton
Vince Williams Mayor, City of Union City