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Managed Organizations
Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs
The Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs (GAFC) is comprised of career, combination and volunteer Chiefs with a common goal of bettering the fire service and its service delivery to the citizens of Georgia.
Georgia Cities Foundation
The mission of the Foundation is to assist cities in their community development efforts to revitalize and enhance underserved downtown areas, by serving as a partner and facilitator in funding capital projects, and by providing training and technical assistance.
Georgia City-County Management Association
The Georgia City-County Management Association (GCCMA) is a recognized affiliate organization of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), focused on providing educational and professional resources and networking opportunities to its members. GCCMA supports city and county managers and administrators, directors of regional development centers and their principal assistants; it also serves state agency professionals, representatives of the Association County Commissioners of Georgia and members of the Georgia Municipal Association.
Georgia Downtown Association
The Georgia Downtown Association (GDA) is a non-profit association that promotes the economic redevelopment of Georgia's traditional downtowns. Through advocacy, education and marketing, GDA works to focus the public's attention on the value of downtown. GDA is an independent association that supports both public and private sector efforts targeted at enhancing Georgia's downtown's.
Georgia Municipal Clerks Association
The Georgia Municipal Clerks Association (GMCA) is a professional association comprised of City Clerks and Assistant Clerks from all across Georgia. Founded in 1956 GMCA has years of experience improving the professionalism and education of City Clerks. GMCA has grown to exceed 300 members representing small and large municipalities.
This non-profit organization managed by the Georgia Municipal Association was created to fund innovative programs to help build vibrant, economically prosperous, and well managed cities. Its work aims to unite our state, strengthen communities, and create a talent pipeline within Georgia.
GMA Gas Section
The Gas Section of the Georgia Municipal Association exists to coordinate activities and assist municipal natural gas systems in providing efficient, safe and economical service to their consumers and to foster, coordinate and perform, or cause to be performed, training schools, conferences, short courses and training sessions and/or mediums for discussion, study and communication regarding transportation, storage, production and utilization of natural gas by municipal operators.
Local Government Risk Management Services
As a joint program of the self-insurance funds of the Georgia Municipal Association and the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG), Local Government Risk Management Services (LGRMS) has provided loss prevention, loss control, and health promotion services for local governments since 1988.