Statesboro Youth Council


Dr. LaSara Mitchell , Youth Program Coordinator

Council Info
February 2023
6th-12th grade

City budget.
Once per month for council meetings and as needed for events and other discussions.
City Hall
Mission Statement

MISSION: The mission of the Statesboro Youth Council is to empower young people to be
authentic, creative forces in their communities through civic engagement and the shaping of
public policy. We strive to create opportunities for personal and professional growth for our
members, and to promote a positive image of youth in our community.

VISION: Our vision is to cultivate the advancement of young persons by giving them a voice in
political, social and economic platforms

Selection Process

Youth are selected by completing an application for membership. Applications are reviewed.
Youth then attend an orientation with a parent or guardian. Youth agree through signature of
bylaws and are then members of the council. However Officer roles are voted on among their
peers. Applications and presentations for officers are accepted twice per year or as needed.
Youth that are active members can apply for officer roles and present a 5 minute presentation
on why they are the best candidate for the role. There are deliberations for each role and then
the roles are selected by votes.

City department responsible for overseeing the council

Human Resources