Displaying Items 16-30 (of 72)
August 10, 2021
By Jim Thornton, GMA President
The future of Georgia and of our cities is bright, and much of the credit for the optimism we share is due to the leadership of Georgia’s mayors, councilmembers and city officials.
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June 4, 2021
By George Dusenbury, Georgia State Director for the Trust for Public Land and Commissioner
"Early in the pandemic, it became clear that the outdoors was the safest place to exercise, play and interact with friends and family. In fact, green spaces have seen record usage over the last year. One year into the pandemic, all signs indicate they will stay that way." - George Dusenbury, Georgia State Director for the Trust for Public Land and Commissioner, City of Decatur
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June 4, 2021
By Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director
"The journey to success may be long, but the intentionality of planning will ensure we take the right road to reach a destination of accomplishment, as opposed to our destination being “somewhere” or “anywhere.” - Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director
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June 4, 2021
By Vince Williams, GMA President
"And as we navigate our intergovernmental system, it is incumbent upon us to always hold high and respect what we as cities and city officials bring to the table. Without our own self-respect and support of each other, we will not succeed." - Vince Williams, GMA President
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June 4, 2021
By Cheryl Hargrove, Cultural Heritage Tourism Specialist Based on St. Simons Island
"As we enter a post-pandemic “reopening” phase, visitors still want many of the same experiences as pre-COVID: to feel welcomed and safe and experience unique shops and activities they cannot find at home." - Cheryl Hargrove, Cultural Heritage Tourism Specialist Based on St. Simons Island
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Derek Chauvin's trial provides a moment to ask ourselves: If another officer were to engage in similar misconduct today, would his colleagues again refuse to step in and stop it?
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April 5, 2021
By Katherine Moore, President, Georgia Conservancy
"Numerous cities are demonstrating their innovation by turning fresh eyes and energy to their downtowns, the oldest areas of our cities. These activity centers attract us not only through their often-inexpressible charm, but precisely because they meet the needs of today and the demands of the future." - Katherine Moore, President, Georgia Conservancy
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April 5, 2021
By Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director
"The term “Cities United” is exemplified in GMA’s efforts to answer the outcry from city leaders around the state to help you respond to this unprecedented health and economic crisis. We could not have achieved this victory without you." - Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director
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April 5, 2021
By Vince Williams, GMA President
"While the challenges before us today are humbling, I find that the turmoil of the past year has provided me with both a clarity of purpose and renewed energy." - Vince Williams, GMA President
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April 5, 2021
By Nick Johnson, Senior Planner, Georgia Conservancy
"Through the course of my work at Georgia Conservancy, I am often asked a question that goes something like this: Why does a conservation-focused non-profit care so much about housing?" - Nick Johnson, Senior Planner, Georgia Conservancy
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February 15, 2021
By Eric Kronberg, Principle at Kronberg Urbanists + Architects
"As it is doing so effectively across all facets of life, the coronavirus pandemic is highlighting the importance of widespread affordable housing, especially in walkable, complete neighborhoods." - By Eric Kronberg, Principle at Kronberg Urbanists + Architects
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February 15, 2021
By Rocky Moretti, Director of Policy and Research, TRIP
"Accessibility and connectivity are critical factors in a region’s quality of life and economic competitiveness." - Rocky Moretti, Director of Policy and Research, TRIP
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February 14, 2021
By Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director
"Cities and their residents are affected by the Georgia General Assembly and the United States Congress, as well as by the regulatory decisions made by state and federal agencies." - Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director
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February 14, 2021
By Vince Williams, GMA President
My heart is aching. The destructive behavior on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol has tested our democracy, our democratic institutions and the ideals on which our country was founded.
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Text of Gov. Brian Kemp's State of the State address delivered on January 14, 2021.
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Displaying Items 16-30 (of 72)