
Displaying Items 16-30 (of 68)

How to stop a killing like that of George Floyd from ever happening again

April 8, 2021


Derek Chauvin's trial provides a moment to ask ourselves: If another officer were to engage in similar misconduct today, would his colleagues again refuse to step in and stop it?

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Innovation Through Reconsideration

April 5, 2021

By Katherine Moore, President, Georgia Conservancy

"Numerous cities are demonstrating their innovation by turning fresh eyes and energy to their downtowns, the oldest areas of our cities. These activity centers attract us not only through their often-inexpressible charm, but precisely because they meet the needs of today and the demands of the future." - Katherine Moore, President, Georgia Conservancy

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GMA Works to Meet Your Needs

April 5, 2021

By Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

"The term “Cities United” is exemplified in GMA’s efforts to answer the outcry from city leaders around the state to help you respond to this unprecedented health and economic crisis. We could not have achieved this victory without you." - Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

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Cities Spring Forward With Renewed Energy

April 5, 2021

By Vince Williams, GMA President

"While the challenges before us today are humbling, I find that the turmoil of the past year has provided me with both a clarity of purpose and renewed energy." - Vince Williams, GMA President

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Look to Your Neighbor: How Georgia’s Cities are Advancing Sustainability Through Housing Choice

April 5, 2021

By Nick Johnson, Senior Planner, Georgia Conservancy

"Through the course of my work at Georgia Conservancy, I am often asked a question that goes something like this: Why does a conservation-focused non-profit care so much about housing?" - Nick Johnson, Senior Planner, Georgia Conservancy

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Downtown Developments: Housing Choice and Resilient Communities

February 15, 2021

By Eric Kronberg, Principle at Kronberg Urbanists + Architects

"As it is doing so effectively across all facets of life, the coronavirus pandemic is highlighting the importance of widespread affordable housing, especially in walkable, complete neighborhoods." - By Eric Kronberg, Principle at Kronberg Urbanists + Architects

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Providing Georgia with a 21st Century Transportation System

February 15, 2021

By Rocky Moretti, Director of Policy and Research, TRIP

"Accessibility and connectivity are critical factors in a region’s quality of life and economic competitiveness." - Rocky Moretti, Director of Policy and Research, TRIP

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Legislative Advocacy for Cities is a Year-Round Commitment

February 14, 2021

By Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

"Cities and their residents are affected by the Georgia General Assembly and the United States Congress, as well as by the regulatory decisions made by state and federal agencies." - Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

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Let Us Build Community to Uplift our Democracy

February 14, 2021

By Vince Williams, GMA President

My heart is aching. The destructive behavior on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol has tested our democracy, our democratic institutions and the ideals on which our country was founded.

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Gov. Kemp's 2021 State of the State Address


January 14, 2021

Gov. Brian Kemp

Text of Gov. Brian Kemp's State of the State address delivered on January 14, 2021.

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Give the Gift of Safety This Holiday Season

December 14, 2020

By Amber Schmidtke, PH.D., Medical Educator and Science Communicator

Much like everything else in 2020, the pandemic is going to change the way we gather and celebrate the winter holidays. Remember that the virus is only concerned with the biology and physics of reaching the next human to infect for its own survival. But the virus has a weakness— it cannot move on its own.

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Examining the Fiscal Impact of COVID-19 for Cities

December 14, 2020

By Laura Wheeler, Associate Director of the Center for State and Local Finance

The importance of a well-functioning city has never been more evident than in the past eight months. The impact of the pandemic and the ensuing economic hardship has shown how vital it is for our municipal governments to have the resources necessary to provide the services that their residents rely on and require.

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Let Love Lead Political Leadership for Our Cities

December 14, 2020

By Vince Williams, GMA President

My hope for a successful future for our cities, however, looks beyond the outcome of partisan, zero-sum politics and is grounded in something we don’t talk enough about… love.

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Being United in A Time of Division

December 10, 2020

By Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

"At GMA, we are united in our passion to serve all cities and all of you, so that you can better serve the citizens who reside in your 537 unique municipalities." - GMA Executive Director Larry Hanson

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Despite Focus on Upcoming Senate Elections in Georgia, Lawmakers Must Address Lingering Census Issues

November 13, 2020

By GMA President Vince Williams and GMA Executive Director Larry Hanson

While for most of the country, the 2020 elections are drawing to a close, Georgia remains in the throes of two hotly contested races to determine which party controls the U.S. Senate. At the same time, work goes on to address the massive issues facing our state and our country. We must continue working to make sure Georgia is well-positioned not just for the immediate future, but for the years to come as well. 

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Displaying Items 16-30 (of 68)