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Displaying Items 46-60 (of 74)

The Future of Our Cities Requires a New Kind of Investment


July 2, 2020

Vince Williams, GMA President

It is a time for each of us to invest ourselves, our integrity and our resolve to confront the ugly legacy of systemic racism and inequity in our communities.

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Leadership in a Time of Crisis

June 5, 2020

By Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

"As we navigate through these unprecedented times, I continue to be so impressed by the leadership and dedication of our city officials." - Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

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Cities Contemplate the Legal Issues of Virtual Operations

June 5, 2020

By Rusi Patel, GMA General Counsel

"Georgia’s Open Meetings laws specifically allow for teleconference meetings during emergency conditions, but many cities discovered their public technology infrastructure was sorely lack­ing for such a situation." - Rusi Patel, GMA General Counsel

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Realistic, Relevant Plans Cultivate Vibrant Communities For Your City’s Future

June 4, 2020

By Laura M. Mathis, Executive Director, Middle Georgia Regional Commission

"At its heart, community planning is a process that helps you understand where you are, defines where you want to go and outlines how to get there. Plan­ning, however, only works if it is relevant to the local government—it needs to fit the issues and opportuni­ties that exist in the community." - Laura M. Mathis, Executive Director, Middle Georgia Regional Commission

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Finding Hope in Our Newfound Gratitude

June 4, 2020

By Dublin Mayor Phil Best, GMA President

Dealing with a pandemic as a business owner, mayor or as president of GMA was not on my radar at the beginning of the year. - Dublin Mayor Phil Best, GMA President

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President Best Leaves Office with Lifelong Lessons, Memories and Friends

June 4, 2020

During his acceptance speech in Savannah, President Best reminded attendees of the importance of governing with a spirit of humility and that leadership is a privilege, not a right.

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Cities are Responding to the Changing Climate

April 30, 2020

By Daniel Rochberg, Emory University Professor and Co-Founder of the Georgia Climate Project

"Implementing innovative and sustainable practices can deliver long-term value by both building resilience to climate-related risks and positioning cities to lead in the economy of the future." - Emory University’s Daniel Rochberg, Co-Founder of the Georgia Climate Project

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Standing with Our Youth to Build a Bright Tomorrow

April 30, 2020

By Dublin Mayor Phil Best, GMA President

It is important for us to realize that the issues our young people face aren’t for them to face alone, as these are the issues we must also face and more importantly, address. - By Dublin Mayor Phil Best, GMA President


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Cities to Airbnb, ‘Pay Up!’

April 30, 2020

By Gwin Hall, Senior Associate General Counsel, GMA

Given the limits state law puts on local revenue sources, finding new money can be difficult. Sometimes, the best way to find “new” money is to make sure your city is collecting all it can from existing revenue sources. - Gwin Hall, Senior Associate General Counsel, GMA

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Harnessing Arts and Culture for Responsible Placemaking in Historic Neighborhoods

April 30, 2020

By Dorian McDuffie, Public Art Project Manager, Atlanta City Studio

"Our eagerness to “help” must not be overshadowed by the community’s desire to maintain existing social and cultural codes that existed before our arrival." - Dorian McDuffie, Public Art Project Manager, Atlanta City Studio

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The Importance of Leadership During a Crisis

April 30, 2020

By GMA President Phil Best and GMA Executive Director Larry Hanson

Georgia’s local officials have been thrust into a situation not of our making, but what is required of us is clear…open and transparent leadership grounded in the common good.

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Sausage Making and Lobbying: Why City Officials Need to Be Involved

February 27, 2020

"After 30 years of walking the marble halls and lobbies of Georgia’s Capitol, it’s a wonder I don’t hear the House and Senate voting bells ringing in my ears while I sleep." - Tom Gehl, GMA Director of Governmental Relations

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A New Year and a New Decade Abounds with Optimism

February 27, 2020

"I believe public officials office and a desire to serve because they have an optimistic outlook on the future—they see an opportunity to make a difference, to make things better and improve the quality of life for those they serve." - Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

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Positioning Ourselves for the Future

February 27, 2020

"I’ve been involved with GMA for 30 years now, and as much as any time in the past, exciting things are taking place." - Dublin Mayor Phil Best, GMA President

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Gov. Kemp's 2020 State of the State Address


January 17, 2020

Gov. Brian Kemp

Text of Gov. Brian Kemp's State of the State address delivered on January 16, 2020.

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Displaying Items 46-60 (of 74)