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Displaying Items 61-74 (of 74)

Economic Development: A Part of the GMA Mission


December 6, 2019

Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

"While Georgia’s 538 cities comprise only 9.2 percent of the state’s land area, they provide 68 percent of the state’s jobs. In fact, 91.6 percent of the gross domestic product in the state of Georgia is derived from cities." - Larry Hanson, Executive Director, GMA

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Take Time to Reflect on the Value of Georgia’s Cities


December 6, 2019

Dublin Mayor Phil Best, GMA President

As the 1980s icon and philosopher Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” - Dublin Mayor Phil Best, GMA President

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Thank You for Your Dedicated Service

November 7, 2019

"What I consistently see in my role at GMA—no matter the city’s size or location—is elected officials who genuinely want to make their city a better place." - Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

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Leaders, What’s Your Evidence of Trustworthiness?

November 7, 2019

"The question before us is what can we do to be trustworthy? It’s up to us to provide the evidence of our trustworthiness. And we can do that by being competent at what we do, being reliable by doing what we say we’ll do and being honest." - Dublin Mayor Phil Best, GMA President

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Georgia’s First Lady Asks For Cities’ Help To End Human Trafficking


October 8, 2019

"The criminal enterprise behind this national operation is strong, well-funded and organized. Awareness and education are key in combating this evil." – Marty Kemp, First Lady of Georgia

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Downtown Thrives With Historic Preservation

April 11, 2018

Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation Staff

Local leaders have realized that preserving their downtown corridors supports the stability of their communities and maintains that which makes it unique. This, in turn, makes these areas more desirable destinations and helps stabilize real estate prices. 

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Call to Action: Ask Congress to Invest in Infrastructure and Rebuild with Us

April 11, 2018

Mayor Phil Best of Dublin, GMA's Second Vice President and GMA Federal Policy Council Chair

Despite significant investments, local and state funds will not be enough to meet cities needs for transportation, rural broadband, water and sewer, public safety, and other critical needs. For us to succeed in addressing comprehensive infrastructure needs, the federal government must remain a long-term partner.

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Why Does Verizon Care About Telephone Poles?

October 11, 2017

Mayor Sam Liccardo of San Jose, CA

We should all embrace the opportunity of greater broadband deployment, at better speeds, with the latest technology. Yet how we deploy this technology matters. If we’re going to provide the telecom industry with unfettered access to public property, then the public’s interest must come first.

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State of the State: Georgia Will 'Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative'

January 11, 2017

Governor Nathan Deal

Text of Gov. Nathan Deal's State of the State address delivered on January 11, 2017.

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City Officials Must Build Relationships in the New Year

January 10, 2017

Lamar Norton, GMA Executive Director

The New Year is upon us and each new year brings the General Assembly back into session. This time is a critical time for each city official—elected or appointed—to make an effort to educate these well-intended individuals with the issues that impact cities and how we can work together for solutions.

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State of the State: ‘Ocean of Opportunity' lies ahead for Georgia’s Ship of State

January 13, 2016

Gov. Nathan Deal

Text of Gov. Nathan Deal's State-of-the-State address delivered on January 13, 2016. 

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Downtown Developments: Cities Called to Encourage Future Historic Buildings

"The phrase, “future historic buildings” seems like a contradiction, right? To translate, we first must think about how buildings become historic. Simply put, for a building, block or district (like a downtown) to survive over the years, it must be built to last and worth saving." - Chris Higdon, Community Development Manager, GMA

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Downtown Developments: Revitalization and the art of the covered dish supper

By Ben Muldrow, Partner, Arnett Muldrow

Growing up, every Wednesday night, my family would head over to the Presbyterian Church for the covered dish supper: 40 feet of joyous jubilation in Jesus’ generosity. If you’re not familiar with these blessed events, allow me to school you. One meal. Many sides. Everyone brings something. No one leaves hungry.

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Leadership in a Time of Crisis

Our country was built upon the strength of our local communities and the local institutions that built them. What we do in our cities and how we approach those responsibilities are just as important, if not more so, as the actions undertaken by our brethren at the federal and state levels. - Larry Hanson, GMA Executive Director

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Displaying Items 61-74 (of 74)