The Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) has partnered with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to provide the opportunity for local governments to improve the quality of life for citizens in communities across the state by pursuing projects that might not otherwise be possible.
Through the TA Program, local governments pursue projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, pedestrian streetscape improvements, and other non-traditional transportation related activities.
Eligible Projects:
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities
- Streetscape Improvements
- Safe Routes to School Program
- Other eligible projects
There is a 20% local match requirement. Populations under 5,000 may be eligible for financial assistance with the required 20% local match.
How to Apply
The application is available to view and complete here.
Municipalities within TMA boundaries (areas with populations over 200,000) have the opportunity to apply through their Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). When applying to the GDOT TA funding opportunity, these municipalities should include a letter of support from their MPOs noting that they agree with the recommended project but cannot fund the project at this time.