
Login.gov is a service that allows you to sign on to multiple federal agency websites using just one account, i.e. one username and one password for you to remember.


Anyone at city hall involved in the grant application and administration process is encouraged to create their own Login.gov account, which can be thought of as an individual user profile. If you are the mayor, don't share an account with the city clerk; and vice versa. 

You should already have a Login.gov account if your city has submitted reports for ARPA to the US Treasury (this is required reporting for almost every Georgia city).

To complete the Login.gov sign-up process, you will have to choose a method of Multi-Factor Authentication. The recommended option is to have the code sent to your mobile phone or email.

With your own Login.gov account, you can access Grants.gov, the US Treasury Reporting Portal for ARPA and many other federal government websites. Once you have your Login.gov account, be sure that you can access your city's profile on Grants.gov using Login.gov. See Article: How to Create a Grants.gov Account and Link to a Login.gov Account

Article: What happens to my SAM.gov access if I change my email address on login.gov?

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