Reference Articles
Displaying Items 211-225 (of 665)
The City of Ethics program began in 1999 and was developed by a panel of business and government leaders to encourage cities to adopt and adhere to a set of key ethical principles and adopt a local ethics ordinance.
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On Aug. 9, five city leaders were inducted into the Municipal Government Hall of Fame, which was established in 1992 to recognize current and past municipal officials who exemplify the very best in public service and who, throughout their careers, have made extraordinary contributions to municipal government, and have been strong supporters of GMA.
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If you want to attract and maintain the best employees, having a desirable workplace culture definitely pays off.
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October 4, 2021
Smart Growth America
Form-based codes are widely recognized as tools to improve the character of a place, encourage physical activity, and strengthen resilience to climate change.
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Public Square
September 20, 2021
Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism
Supporting walkable communities relates to leadership, urban governance, sustainable development, and planning opportunities. Physical design—the architecture of community—doesn’t come close to solving all problems. But it is the cornerstone of a lasting legacy that political leaders may bestow on a municipality.
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CitySmart by VC3
September 13, 2021
Joe Howland, Chief Information Security Officer, Sophicity
Cybersecurity is evolving toward the point where we cannot rely alone on traditional cybersecurity tools such as firewalls, antivirus, and VPNs. In other words, we cannot assume that anything making it past a perimeter into your network is good.
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August 26, 2021
Sara Baxter
Strides have been made in the areas of youth engagement and tackling the challenges that plague youth. But cities need to work together and forge partnerships for continued success in this area.
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Public Square
August 24, 2021
Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism
We shape our cities and then they shape us.
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CitySmart by VC3
August 16, 2021
Victoria Boyko, Software Development Consultant
Despite the perceived importance of ADA-compliant websites, many city websites do not comply with best practices that help disabled people access content.
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This report shows what local governments can do to mitigate the rising cost of rental housing. It considers the root causes of high rent burdens, reviews evidence about the consequences, and lays out a framework that cities and counties can use to help provide all their residents with safe, decent, affordable housing options.
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GeorgiaForward is proud to announce the return of its Young Gamechangers program in 2022, with Dalton serving as the Host Community.
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If the communities you serve have been suffering from financial hardship, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has provided several resources for you to share with those individuals and families.
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Macon Rocks Climbing Gym opened its doors to the public on March 22, 2021, in the heart of downtown Macon.
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August 11, 2021
By Gwin Hall, GMA Senior Associate General Counsel. Legal Brief by Regina Gresham
The Supreme Court of Georgia upheld a long-standing principle that the doctrine of sovereign immunity protects cities from liability for not addressing nuisances that are caused by private parties on private property.
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There are multiple federal partnerships for cities available.
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Displaying Items 211-225 (of 665)