Reference Articles

Displaying Items 256-270 (of 665)

Georgia Joins Celebration of 52nd Professional Municipal Clerks Week

June 4, 2021

Municipal clerks from several of Georgia’s cities joined thousands across the U.S., Canada and 15 other countries to celebrate the 52nd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week from May 2-8.

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Covington Treatment System Protects the Water While Feeding the Land

June 4, 2021

Nikki Perry

“They gave me a key to the gate, a map and a dog, and said, ‘Good luck,’” Croom said, laughing. The stray dog came with the property. Croom will retire next year from a job that he loves and a system that he has shepherded through four expansions.

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Cities United: Assisting Newnan in Tornado Recovery

June 4, 2021

By Alia Hoyt

Although Newnan will long remember the terror of the tornado of 2021, they won’t soon forget the kindness of strangers they now call neighbors during their time of need. When the situation is reversed in the future, it’s a safe bet that Newnan crews will be the first on the road to help.

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Small Town, Big Impact: Eatonton Youth Leadership Council Trains for the Future

June 4, 2021

Eatonton has its eye on the future. That’s not limited to safe roads and up-to-date infrastructure. With the Eatonton Youth Leadership Council, the city is also investing in human infrastructure, training local leaders of tomorrow.

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Infrastructure Updates and Federal Resources for Cities

June 4, 2021

For many years, GMA has worked with city officials to document the scope of municipal infrastructure needs for water, sewer, transportation, public safety, parks and recreation and other priorities.

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State and Local Government Workforce: 2021 Survey

June 1, 2021

Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE)

The Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE) has conducted an annual workforce survey since 2009. This survey of human resource professionals tracks key challenges facing state and local governments in the recruitment and retention of talented employees and the strategies being employed to manage and compensate those staff.

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American Rescue Plan Update Webinar

May 28, 2021

During this webinar on May 26, 2021, GMA provided the latest updates on Treasury guidance for the ARPA Local Fiscal Relief Fund. This was open to all elected and appointed city officials, and if you missed it, you can watch it here.

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FEMA Publishes New Local Government Solutions Guides for COVID-19 and Beyond

May 25, 2021

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

FEMA announces the release of three Local Government Solutions Guides for COVID-19 and Beyond (Local Solutions Guides). The intention of these guides is to provide background on the various solutions communities are pursuing to provide local government services in the face of COVID-19 related budget shortfalls and public health considerations. The guides cover the topics of adaptive design, grants management capacity, and alternative public service solutions. They offer general guidance and link to resources to provide readers an opportunity to dive further into solutions that best suit their community.

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It’s Not Easy Being Young

May 24, 2021

Sara Baxter

Today's youth face a litany of challenges on their way to adulthood. In addition to peer pressure, kids also face mental health and disconnection challenges. The good news is that there are things adults can do to help – both individually and through organizations and programs – to address and alleviate these challenges.

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Connecting Towns to Gowns: GMA and UGA’s College of Public Health Collaborate on Fellowship Program

May 18, 2021

The pandemic and social unrest this past year exacerbated many existing inequities, including differences in health outcomes for Georgians. While cities are usually not direct healthcare providers, they can influence their residents’ quality of life in many ways.

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‘Green Streets,’ Gentle Density in a New Studio Town

Public Square

May 14, 2021

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

Trilith in Fayetteville, Georgia, is built around the idea that well-designed public space contributes to individual happiness and community well-being.

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The Cavalry Isn’t Coming: 5 Ways Towns and Cities Can Solve Their Own Cybersecurity Problems

CitySmart by VC3

May 10, 2021


What can your town or city do instead of waiting for the cavalry? Here are a few “do it yourself” cybersecurity best practices that can help you prevent ransomware and cyberattacks while keeping your costs and resource utilization low.

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Planning for Impactful Summer Learning

May 6, 2021

GMA and the Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network (GSAN) offered this webinar on May 5, 2021, for city officials to explore the way that cities, schools, and summer learning programs can partner to plan for an impactful summer and combat COVID learning loss.

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American Rescue Plan Act: GMA Kickoff Webinar

April 29, 2021

While there is not yet formal guidance from the U.S. Treasury Department on final allocation amounts, information on when funds will be available and how they can be used, this webinar provided a “lay of the land” for city leaders and appointed officials to obtain an overview of the ARP and learn what actions you can take now to prepare for these resources.

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Nominations Open for the 2021 Renaissance and Starr Awards

April 29, 2021

The Georgia Cities Foundation is currently accepting Nominations for the 2021 Renaissance and Starr Awards.

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Displaying Items 256-270 (of 665)