Reference Articles
Displaying Items 286-300 (of 665)
Three graduate students from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University (GSU) researched the local engagement challenges expressed by several cities as part of GMA’s Hub Cities Initiative. In their final report, the team outlined thier key findings from stakeholder interviews, provided an overview of strategies and engagement best practices from across the nation and made recommendations on which best practices each of the five cities could consider using to address its specific challenges.
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The current pandemic has created plenty of uncertainties while also confirming what many local officials knew all along: a reliable internet connection is essential infrastructure for business, healthcare, education, agriculture and overall quality of life.
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Named in the inaugural class of four communities to receive a Georgia Smart Communities Challenge (Georgia Smart) grant from Georgia Tech in 2018, Albany’s Housing Data Analytics and Visualization Initiative has evolved into something more.
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In this chat with Georgia’s Cities magazine, Joe Howland, Chief Information Security Officer at VC3, offers tips for cities looking to increase cybersecurity.
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April 5, 2021
Nikki Perry
Covington spread its fiber investment over many years, but many Georgia cities and counties face quickly increasing demands brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, the Georgia Broadband Deployment Initiative, led by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and Georgia Technology Authority, was already in the works to establish a framework to encourage rural broadband investment.
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Cornelia city officials awoke the morning after Christmas 2020 to find out they’d been hacked. Luckily, they were prepared. Cornelia had already gone through a hack in 2019 and made significant upgrades to their IT security in the aftermath.
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April 5, 2021
Becca J.G. Godwin
In an era when adults use social media for gathering news, checking in with friends and following their favorite businesses, it only makes sense that local governments also have a presence. Three Georgia cities: Griffin, Brookhaven and Tucker, are taking unique and innovative approaches on social media to further engage residents.
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March 22, 2021
Sara Baxter
Promoting literacy helps protect the health, well-being and economy of communities, and it’s a great way to engage young readers.
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This website contains three different tools to observe and understand the extent of economic inequality in the United States. The first is a poverty risk calculator, which allows users to estimate and compare their future risk of poverty. Second, a discussion guide provides deeper insight into American poverty. The third element is a research component for further exploration.
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March 17, 2021
By the Georgia Department of Public Health
The Georgia Department of Public Health has created an article to equip citizens with the latest facts and information about the COVID-19 vaccines. They have requested GMA share this information with our members.
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March 17, 2021
By Angelina Panettieri, Legislative Director, NLC
On February 26, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced the rules for a new Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB), funded for a one-time amount of $3.2 billion, which will be available until expended or until six months after the COVID-19 emergency declaration expires.
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Public Square
March 15, 2021
Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism
The character of Georgia Avenue, a historic Atlanta main street, was preserved while injecting new life into a neglected neighborhood.
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March 9, 2021
American Society of Civil Engineers
The American Society of Civil Engineers unveiled their 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure on Wednesday, March 3. The nation earned a ‘C-’, up from 2017’s cumulative GPA of ‘D+’.
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February 22, 2021
Sara Baxter
Plagued by the challenges of looming retirements, a competitive job market and compensation issues, city governments are finding ways to cultivate their own employees.
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As we head into the 117th session of Congress and work with a new administration in the White House, it is helpful to get an understanding of the political lay of the land.
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Displaying Items 286-300 (of 665)