Reference Articles

Displaying Items 331-345 (of 716)

If You Can’t Get Your Job Done, Is Underspending on IT Worth It?

CitySmart by VC3

January 8, 2021

Ashton Hollingsworth, Account Manager, Sophicity

Many towns and cities still underspend on information technology in order to save money. Or, at least they think they are saving money. In reality, the lack of IT investment impacts the work of municipal employees every day in small ways.

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To expand the economy, invest in Black businesses

January 7, 2021

The Brookings Institution

For the descendants of enslaved Africans in the United States, entrepreneurship represents more than just owning a business and pursuing the proverbial American Dream. Instead, the ability for Black people to participate in local, regional, and global markets represents a dream deferred by systemic racism and discrimination. Consequently, an analysis of Black business ownership can offer insight into the degree to which America is truly the land of opportunity.

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Engaging Youth When They are Out of School

December 18, 2020

Sara Baxter

If children are engaged and connected in quality afterschool and summer care, everybody wins.

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Downtown Developments: Tax Advantaged Incentives for Georgia Communities

December 14, 2020

By Andrew M. Ham, Managing Director of Urban Trust Capital (Urban Trust, LLC)

The challenge facing many public and private sector owners and developers in today’s economy is how to successfully finance a project in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible.

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GMA Agency Spotlight: USDA Rural Development

December 14, 2020

By Joyce White, USDA Rural Development State Director

USDA Rural Development is the sixth largest bank in the nation, investing approximately $1 billion annually into Georgia.

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How Cities are Transforming Fines and Fees to Advance Equity and Financial Security

December 14, 2020

Because of the pandemic, low-wadge workers and people of color are experiencing more financial stress from job loss and the inability to pay criminal justice and other debts stemming from fines and fees. This places them in harm’s way on many fronts such as wealth extraction, exposure to COVID-19 and the fear of encountering the police.

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GMA Thanks Cities for Their 2020 Census Efforts

December 14, 2020

After the tumultuous end of the 2020 Census enumeration phase on Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Oct. 5 Oct. 31 Oct. 15, GMA would like to thank all its members who worked tirelessly to make sure that everyone in Georgia counts.

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Centerville Builds for the Future with GMA Services

December 14, 2020

Since 1991, the GMA Bricks and Mortar Financing Program has provided a cost-effective way for Georgia’s cities to finance real estate projects. The city of Centerville was one of the most recent beneficiaries of this service.

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Cities Share Service Success

December 14, 2020

GMA knows a thing or two about saving and generating money for its valued member cities with years of experience and numerous services. City officials shared with GMA what they enjoy most about their services and how GMA has improved their cities.

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Georgia City Solutions ‘Tees Up’ for Fundraising Success

December 14, 2020

GCS is the new non-profit subsidiary of GMA, which was established for the purpose of providing the association with a vehicle to receive tax- deductible donations that can be used to fund initiatives and innovative programs aimed at building vibrant, economically prosperous and well-managed cities.

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GMA Makes Great Strides on New Headquarters

December 14, 2020

Following years of planning by the GMA Property Committee, which was led by Newnan Mayor Keith Brady, and the support and commitment of recent GMA presidents, officers and the Board of Directors, the dream of a new facility is becoming a reality.

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COVID-19: A State of Adjustment Turns Opportunity to Shine for Georgia’s Cities

December 14, 2020

By Alia Hoyt

As Georgia’s residents settle into this bizarre “new normal,” cities have employed some creative and forward-thinking measures to keep them both safe and served. Here, GMA profiles a few of the many Georgia cities that have gone above and beyond during an exceptionally challenging time.

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Small Cities and Towns: On the Verge of a Renaissance?

Public Square

December 11, 2020

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

Market and demographic trends could lead to revival of smaller American communities, according to a NAR report.

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The Cloud Helps Cities Fend Off Cyber Threats and Reduce Liability

CitySmart by VC3

December 8, 2020

Matt Wood, Network Infrastructure Consultant, Sophicity

While a few rare situations may not apply, the cloud is generally a great option to help fend off cyberattacks and reduce liability in case a cyberattack occurs.

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Taking Care of Georgia’s Youngest Citizens

November 30, 2020

Sara Baxter

Access to quality child care not only helps children and their families; it can also be a strong economic development tool for cities.

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Displaying Items 331-345 (of 716)