Reference Articles

Displaying Items 391-405 (of 716)

Cities Thrive Through Partnership

August 13, 2020

By Alia Hoyt

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”  - Hellen Keller

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Cities Build Infrastructure For Racial Equity

August 12, 2020

“I’ve been struck by the call that it is not enough to be non-racist, but we need to be anti-racist,” said LaGrange Mayor Jim Thornton in an op-ed in the LaGrange Daily News in response to the unjust treatment of people of color.

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GMA and GPB Present ‘Cities United: The Road to Equity and Inclusion’ Town Hall

August 11, 2020

The Georgia Municipal Association recently partnered with Georgia Public Broadcasting to present a town hall: “Cities United: The Road to Equity and Inclusion.” 

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After a Decade of Progress, Pandemic Could Reset the Clock on Youth Disconnection

August 10, 2020

Measure of America

The youth disconnection rate had steadily fallen for eight years in a row, from a recession-fueled high of 14.7 percent in 2010 to 11.2 percent in 2018. The COVID-19 pandemic will likely erase those gains completely and the disconnected youth rate will spike even higher than it did during the Great Recession.

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Creating Positive Change in a Turbulent World: It’s Up to Us

Leadership Focus

August 3, 2020

Deke Copenhaver

Real and sustainable change for the better in our nation will not come through any of us putting our trust blindly in the hands of any political party. It will come from us putting our trust in ourselves and each other.

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Five things John Lewis taught us about getting in “good trouble”

Five things John Lewis taught us about getting in “good trouble”

July 27, 2020


Bloody Sunday is often noted as a pinnacle of John Lewis’ life. This defining moment encapsulates five things he taught us about getting in good trouble.

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Suburban Retrofit Opportunities Rising Due to COVID

Public Square

July 24, 2020

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

A new report makes the case that walkable suburbs are the next big development trend.

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Afterschool Programs: Partners for School and Community Reopening Plans

July 21, 2020

The Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network encourages city officials to partner with local afterschool programs as they and local school systems develop plans to engage students, either in person or virtually.

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Video: 2020 State of GMA

July 17, 2020

GMA Executive Director Larry Hanson provides an overview of tools, services and leadership the organization has taken in the past year to help and assist city governments throughout the state and ensure the municipalities of Georgia are and remain Cities United.

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Embedding Racial Equity in Housing

Embedding Racial Equity in Housing

July 13, 2020

National League of Cities

As national protests and uprisings continue over the racial injustice in law enforcement that has long plagued our country, there is an opportunity for local leaders to boldly tackle systemic racism in their housing systems and repair the harms that have resulted in racial segregation, displacement, and inequitable communities.

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Uniting our Cities and the Strength of Diversity

Leadership Focus

July 13, 2020

Deke Copenhaver

I honestly believe that local elected officials can, and should, have a major impact on uniting the citizens we serve from all walks of life around the common cause of making our communities models for embracing diversity, inclusion and tolerance.

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CityLab University: Understanding Homelessness in America

CityLab University: Understanding Homelessness in America

July 8, 2020

Bloomberg CityLab

As economic disruption threatens to trigger a spike in housing instability, here is an essential primer on the causes and consequences of a thorny urban problem - homelessness.

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Georgia Releases New Broadband Maps

July 8, 2020

Georgia Department of Community Affairs

The Georgia Broadband Deployment Initiative (GBDI) has made three new Georgia Broadband Maps available to provide more transparency about the internet marketplace and clarify which Georgia households do not have access to high-speed internet.

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2019 Population Estimates Inform New DCA Research Products

July 7, 2020

Georgia Department of Community Affairs

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs has assembled two new research products for Georgia's cities based on 2019 American Community Survey data.

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U.S. Census Bureau Releases Community Resilience Estimates

July 7, 2020

U.S. Census Bureau

The Census Bureau released Community Resilience Estimates, a new experimental data product which shows risk levels by state, county, and census tract.

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Displaying Items 391-405 (of 716)