Reference Articles

Displaying Items 406-420 (of 715)

State of the Cities 2020

July 7, 2020

National League of Cities

When 2020 began, we could not have imagined what would have transpired in just a few short months. From health and economic crisis to resounding calls to address systemic racism, the state of our nation’s cities has changed dramatically.

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Union City Mayor Vince Williams Elected President of GMA

July 2, 2020

Union City Mayor Vince Williams was elected president of GMA during the association’s annual convention on Thursday, July 2.

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Local Governments to Receive CARES Act Funding

June 29, 2020

The U.S. Treasury provided Georgia with approximately $4.1 billion for coronavirus-related expenses from the CARES Act, of which an estimated 1.8 billion could be transferred to local governments for coronavirus-related expenses.

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Mitigation and Adaptation: New Urban Response to Climate Change

Public Square

June 29, 2020

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

Urban planning has important contributions to a wide range of climate change responses, from mitigation to adaptation, notes Congress for the New Urbanism cofounder Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk.

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Racism Is a Public Health Crisis, Say Cities and Counties

Racism Is a Public Health Crisis, Say Cities and Counties

June 17, 2020

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Public health studies over several decades conclude that being black is bad for your health, and pervasive racism is the cause. Black women are up to four times more likely to die of pregnancy-related complications than white women. Black men are more than twice as likely to be killed by police as white men. And the average life expectancy of African Americans is four years lower than the rest of the U.S. population.

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Moments of Change: Leading with Courage and Commitment for Racial and Social Justice

Moments of Change: Leading with Courage and Commitment for Racial and Social Justice

June 16, 2020

International City/County Management Association

This special supplement of Public Management magazine includes observations and commentary from local government leaders, along with resources for addressing the needs of your community and ways to take action.

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Youth Movement: Accelerating America’s Urban Renaissance

June 16, 2020

City Observatory

The movement of talented young adults to dense urban neighborhoods is not waning; it is widespread and accelerating, and it is powering urban revival. This new report shows that the growth of close-in urban neighborhoods in the US since 2010 has been propelled by the accelerating movement of well-educated young adults back to the city.

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Tools to Address Implicit Bias in Local Government

Tools to Address Implicit Bias in Local Government

June 15, 2020

Engaging Local Government Leaders

Implicit bias can interfere with how we do our jobs and other situations. In this webinar, participants will gain an awareness around the concept of implicit biases, the role they play in our interactions with others, and tools to help us address and minimize them.

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Mayors and governors: This is how you tackle racism

Mayors and governors: This is how you tackle racism

June 12, 2020


Mayors and governors are under pressure to respond urgently to endemic racism. Here is what they must do now to create sustained racial equity.

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Advancing Racial Equity in Your City

Advancing Racial Equity in Your City

June 11, 2020

National League of Cities

NLC’s Race, Equity and Leadership (REAL) initiative is dedicated to helping local leaders understand and gain the tools necessary to combat racial disparities in their communities. The six steps outlined in this municipal action guide can help you improve equity and create better outcomes for everyone in your community.

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ELGL Equity & Justice Resources

June 11, 2020

Engaging Local Government Leaders

ELGL's mission is to engage the brightest minds in local government by providing timely and relevant content through podcasts, blogs, webinars, social media and conference gathering, with the objective of fostering authentic and meaningful connections that are grounded in practices of equity and inclusion.

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ICMA Equity & Inclusion Resources

June 11, 2020

International City/County Management Association

Creating better communities begins with a commitment to equity and inclusion. ICMA strives to ensure that its members and local government managers overall reflect the diversity of the people they serve. ICMA works to mitigate the effects of bias in all areas of local government by developing and promoting programs and initiatives in the areas of service delivery, hiring practices, leadership development, community engagement, and workplace culture.

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Displaying Items 406-420 (of 715)