Reference Articles

Displaying Items 421-435 (of 716)

Government Alliance on Race & Equity Tools and Resources

Government Alliance on Race & Equity Tools and Resources

June 11, 2020

Government Alliance on Race & Equity

This Tools and Resources page created by the Government Alliance on Race & Equity reflects a growing field of practice so that local and regional governments can proactively work to advance racial equity and increase success for all.

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Healing in Our Nation: It Begins at the Local Level

Leadership Focus

June 9, 2020

Deke Copenhaver

It is my great hope that local governments in our great state and throughout our nation will rise above the politics of division and take a leadership role in holding true to the ideal that our nation is “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

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Cities Shine During the COVID-19 Pandemic

June 5, 2020

Chris Obenschain

As seen in the aftermath of 9/11 and other catastrophes, people tend to help one another in times of crisis. And nowhere has that been more evident than with Georgia’s cities.

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Cities Learn Recreational Spaces Can Solve Community Challenges

June 5, 2020

By Gayle Horton Gay

Across Georgia, land use projects have been completed and are underway that are providing recreational benefits for Georgians and, in some cases, resolving infrastructure problems as well.

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Message from GMA Officers: Change is Needed Now to Address Inequality

June 4, 2020

Change is needed now, and it is leaders on the local, state, and national level that must listen and support those we know have suffered from inequality and those we have never met.

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Community Ties: Understanding What Attaches People to the Place Where They Live

May 29, 2020

Knight Foundation

Well before COVID-19 shut down community life as we know it, Knight Foundation commissioned Urban Institute to explore a key question: what attaches people to the places where they live?

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Johns Creek's "Share Joy" 2020 Initiative

May 28, 2020

In this short video, Johns Creek provides an overview of the city's "Share Joy!" art campaign, created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance for the 2020 Hurricane Season

May 27, 2020

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

FEMA provides actionable guidance to state, local, tribal, and territorial officials to prepare for response and recovery operations and encourages personal preparedness measures amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While this document focuses on hurricane season preparedness, most planning considerations can also be applied to any disaster operation in the COVID-19 environment, including no-notice incidents, spring flooding and wildfire seasons, and typhoon response.

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Back to Business Webinar

May 21, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended life as we know it, and many uncertainties remain as local governments prepare to reopen and engage with city employees and residents. This webinar was designed to help with that process and features presentations from GMA, Douglasville, Dublin and Ocilla Mayor Matt Seale.

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Five Ideas to Help Kids and Families

May 15, 2020

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on Georgia's children and families. These five suggestions address challenges arising from the pandemic which could result in better outcomes for Georgia's children and youth. 

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Leading in Crisis: Listen to the Professionals

Leadership Focus

May 14, 2020

Deke Copenhaver

I firmly believe that in the current situation we find ourselves it is now more important than ever for local elected officials to listen to the experts.

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DCA Updates Uniform Chart of Accounts for Local Governments

May 13, 2020

This article contains a series of resources for the updated UCOA for local Georgia governments.

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Public Meeting Options in a COVID-19 World

May 13, 2020

In this video we highlight a variety of public meeting options, hear from the City of Dublin on their efforts & lessons learned, and discuss security tips.

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Cities Don't Increase Virus Risk

Public Square

May 4, 2020

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

An analysis indicates that cases of COVID-19 are more related to what metro area you live in, rather than whether you live in the central city or a suburb. Transit also doesn’t correlate as a significant factor.

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Webinar: GMA Municipal Budget Forecasting and Impact Analysis in Uncertain Times

May 1, 2020

This webinar is designed to help municipal governments handle financial uncertainty during challenging times.

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Displaying Items 421-435 (of 716)