Reference Articles

Displaying Items 466-480 (of 715)

When I Grow Up, I Want to be an Assistant City Administrator

When I Grow Up, I Want to be an Assistant City Administrator

December 17, 2019

Engaging Local Government Leaders Network

I don’t know anyone who knew they wanted to be in local government when they were young. Everyone just kind of ends up here by accident. But what if that wasn’t the case?

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Your “Clever” Password Is Not Unique—How to Improve Your Password Security

CitySmart by VC3

December 17, 2019

Corbin Son, Network Infrastructure Consultant, Sophicity

In the past, we've often blogged about bad passwords (like "123456"). Encouragingly, city employees have realized that using such bad passwords is, yes, a bad idea. However, a false sense of security can creep in and make them think any other password is okay.

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Public art: An Economic Catalyst for Cities

December 13, 2019

Cities across Georgia have used creativity, resourcefulness and collaboration to create inexpensive but impactful public art.

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The Art of Leadership and Always Taking the Long View

Leadership Focus

December 9, 2019

Deke Copenhaver

As local elected officials serving cities throughout the great state of Georgia, we have perhaps one of the best leadership platforms available to set an example for the next generation of leaders as to what true public service looks like.

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The Role of Arts-based Economic Development Strategies in Rural Georgia Communities

December 6, 2019

GMA & Georgia Council for the Arts

A new publication from GMA and the Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA) focuses on how rural cities have used the arts as an economic development tool.

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GMA’s Larry Hanson Named Advisory Council Member by FHL Bank of Atlanta

December 3, 2019

“We are extremely excited about Larry’s appointment to this Council,” said GMA President Phil Best. “Affordable workforce housing is an important issue in most of our 538 member cities, and it is directly tied to the ability of cities and local communities to be successful." - Phil Best, GMA President 

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Restoring City Rights in the Era of Preemption: A Municipal Action Guide

December 3, 2019

National League of Cities (NLC)

This guide builds on work at the National League of Cities that sought to expose the extent of preemption laws impacting cities across the country. With the right tools, local leaders can counter such state interference.

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The State of Georgia's Civic Health

December 3, 2019

Civic health in the Peach state has declined in most of the 21 civic engagement measures that examine the way Georgians interact with each other, their communities, and in political life since the first Civic Health Index was published in 2013.

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GMA Remembers Former Association President Jay Powell, Georgia House Rules Chairman

November 26, 2019

“This is a tremendous loss of an outstanding public official and a dedicated public servant,” said GMA Executive Director Larry Hanson. “As a former Mayor of Camilla, past president of GMA, as a House member, Chairman of Ways and Means and most recently Chairman of Rules, Jay has been a friend to GMA and a friend to cities.”

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Mayor Vince Williams Elected National League of Cities’ 2nd Vice President

November 25, 2019

Vince Williams, current mayor of Union City and first Vice President at GMA, was elected to the position of Second Vice President of the National League of Cities (NLC) during the League’s City Summit on Saturday, November 23, 2019.

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Why Choose a Grid?

Public Square

November 22, 2019

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

The decision of a city in Texas to plan for new growth using a grid of streets has inspired readers and makes a lot of sense.

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Hiring Veterans for Local Government Positions

November 21, 2019


Military veterans are well-trained, disciplined, and experienced and they have a demonstrated heart for public service. Tapping into this workforce to fill the civilian ranks of public service in local government makes perfect sense.

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DOT Wants City Officials’ Input on State Rail Plan Update

November 19, 2019

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has begun its update of the State Rail Plan and encourages city officials to fill out the department’s online survey.

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Applying Hoarding Tips to Document Management: 5 Ways to Help Cities Declutter

CitySmart by VC3

November 15, 2019

Brian Ocfemia, Engineering Manager, Sophicity

When someone physically hoards items, their bad habits create a “mountain of stuff” that becomes very visible over time. The same thing happens with electronic information—but the problem is less noticeable because the hoarding does not turn into a physical “mountain of stuff.”

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2019 Rural Broadband Summit

November 14, 2019

Did you miss GMA’s 2019 Rural Broadband Summit? If so, you can catch up by watching all the informative presentations and panels here.  

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Displaying Items 466-480 (of 715)