Reference Articles

Displaying Items 586-600 (of 715)

Freeware Dangers for Cities

CitySmart by VC3

December 20, 2017

Michael Chihlas, Network Infrastructure Consultant

Free software. It sounds like a great bargain. However, a recent incident shows the dangers of freeware. Back in September, CCleaner (a common free software) experienced a major security flaw. When CCleaner pushed out a software update for its customers, the software update contained malicious code that could be used by hackers to control a person’s computer.

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True Confessions of a Former Mayor: How to Keep Your Indie Street Cred Intact in the World of Politics

Leadership Focus

December 14, 2017

Deke Copenhaver

I found that a focus on maintaining your indie street cred as an elected official is a great way to achieve success and an unwavering bond with the people you serve.

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The Tripod of IT: Proactivity, Training, and Disaster Recovery

CitySmart by VC3

November 27, 2017

Dave Mims, CEO, Sophicity

Information technology sometimes seems like it’s just about computers, software, networks, bits, and bytes. Best practices, policies, people, and other non-technical aspects of IT are often forgotten and too commonly unconsidered, which creates great risk for cities. Consider IT like a tripod—and stand firmly upon these three legs to address any real risks you may be overlooking.

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Not Letting the Tail Wag the Dog: Why Squeaky Wheels Shouldn’t Get the Grease

Leadership Focus

November 14, 2017

Deke Copenhaver

We’ve all heard the same old refrain when a vocal minority gets their way: the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Yet when you really think about it, this should be one of the most ridiculous statements we’ve ever bought into.

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Patching: A Necessity in a World of Ransomware

CitySmart by VC3

October 30, 2017

Ryan Warrick, Network Infrastructure Consultant

Today, all of government—including local government—is a target for hackers. The risks and dangers from failing to proactively manage technology patches and updates are simply too great to ignore.

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The Art of Being Transparent: How to do it Effectively and Why it Matters

Leadership Focus

October 11, 2017

Deke Copenhaver

In today’s world, where people are more hungry for accurate information and strong leadership than they’ve ever been before, being an accessible, open and transparent leader is important in fostering a sense of trust in your leadership.

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Equifax Data Breach Provides Lessons in Cybersecurity Responsibility for Cities

CitySmart by VC3

September 20, 2017

Dave Mims, CEO, Sophicity

If there is one overarching lesson from Equifax, it’s that cybersecurity is just becoming too big to ignore. For many years, cities and other organizations have pled technology ignorance, lack of budget, or that they had no need for proactive technology support. Those times are over. 

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Lessons My Father Taught Me: Never Keep the Shiny, New Wheelbarrow

Leadership Focus

September 6, 2017

Deke Copenhaver

Coming in to office, my eyes were wide open as to what a large percentage of people thought with regards to politicians using their office for personal gain. With the knowledge of what many citizens thought, I determined I’d do things in a bit of a different fashion.

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Righting Your Technology Improves Compliance and Avoids Lawsuits

CitySmart by VC3

August 31, 2017

Mark Holbrook, Technical Account Manager, Sophicity

Compliance. One of those necessary operational activities that you know is working when nothing bad happens. When compliance doesn’t work, you open the door to significant risk. We’ve talked a lot in the past about the legal consequences of poor technology infrastructure and support. In this post, we want to highlight how specific areas of compliance can be impacted by your technology.

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The Art of Team Building: How to do it and Why it's So Important

Leadership Focus

August 14, 2017

Deke Copenhaver

In a world which often prizes individual achievements, it’s ultimately the connection between individuals with a common goal, purpose, and objective that can move mountains or overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

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5 Real Cybersecurity Dangers for Cities

CitySmart by VC3

July 28, 2017

Dave Mims, CEO, Sophicity

Barraged with cybersecurity news every day, it’s difficult to sift the real danger from the noise. Cybersecurity headlines tend toward the dramatic—even if the concerns are real.

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The Counterculture of Conversation: Why Human Voices Still Matter in a Tech Driven World

Leadership Focus

July 5, 2017

Deke Copenhaver

As much as I love social networking and value it as a way to connect, I still value more the dying art of conversation. No key stroke can convey as much emotion, passion or conviction as a simple look in the eye or the sound of a human voice.

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7 Reasons City Employees Should Not Use Unapproved Software

CitySmart by VC3

June 28, 2017

John Miller, Senior Consultant

In the news, we’ve seen plenty of times when government employees get into a lot of trouble by using software that’s not approved by government entities. From private email servers to encrypted messaging apps, big problems occur when government employees download software outside of IT policy.

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The Art of Grassroots Engagement: How to do it Best and Why it’s So Important

Leadership Focus

June 12, 2017

Deke Copenhaver

Whether it's in business, politics or any other field, the result of losing touch with the man (or woman) on the street usually leads to blind spots in the decision making process, with leaders often caught off guard by the consequences of, as well as the reactions to, the decisions they make.

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3 Ways Cities Can Avoid a WannaCry-like Ransomware Attack

CitySmart by VC3

May 25, 2017

Nathan Eisner, COO

If ransomware hasn’t gotten your attention yet, then the WannaCry ransomware cryptoworm that ravaged the world for a week in mid-May should make you sit up. The attacks were so devastating to many organizations—from major hospitals to important financial institutions—that ransomware is now mainstream news and the talk of federal and state legislators.

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Displaying Items 586-600 (of 715)