Reference Articles

Displaying Items 616-630 (of 715)

Which Came First–The Chicken or Economic Development?

November 16, 2016

On January 7, 2015, the city of Louisville received an offer it could have refused. An unnamed company considered creating new jobs in the area if—and it was a big “if”—the city could provide a 150,000-square-foot building with a combined water and sewer capacity of 1.6 million gallons per day. One more detail: the company wanted the facility to be operational by December 17, 2015.

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Why Embracing Change and Moving Beyond Conventional Wisdom Matters

Leadership Focus

November 9, 2016

Deke Copenhaver

Change is happening all around us and our businesses and communities can either embrace it, adapt to and plan for it, or ultimately get run over by it.

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Citizen Chalkboard Budget Workshop

November 8, 2016

William Whitson, City Manager of Hapeville

Like any other city, Hapeville’s budget affects every citizen, but the public is not consistently engaged in the budget process. The Citizen Chalkboard set out to change that. 

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Complying with the Law Through Information Security Policies

CitySmart by VC3

October 26, 2016

Nathan Eisner, COO, Sophicity

In part one of this two-part post, we talked about how cities can better comply with the law through a set of information security best practices. Now in part two, let’s look at how specific policies help cities with compliance.

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Directors Share How Cities can Thrive Through Sustainability

October 17, 2016

Georgia’s Cities sat down with the city of Atlanta’s Director of Sus­tainability Stephanie Stuckey Benfield and the city of Savannah’s Sustainability Director Nick Deffley to learn more about their re­sponsibilities and how cities of all sizes can incorporate sustainabili­ty into their programing and practices.

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Dunwoody Brings More Green to City Parks

October 14, 2016

The city of Dunwoody successfully installed two publicly-accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations within city limits. According to city offi­cials, this achievement represents a first step in the successful implementation of the city’s Sustainabili­ty Plan and has received extremely positive reviews from citizens and visitors alike.

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Cities of the Future Trend Toward Urbanization

October 12, 2016

Robert Reed, Southface

Towns and cities today face challeng­es that are new, variable and driving innovation. Air and water quality, transit connectivity and competitive­ness in the new global economy are all compounded by increased global population and pressure on town infrastructure and services.

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The Art of Communication: Learning to Listen Without Prejudice

Leadership Focus

October 11, 2016

Deke Copenhaver

I’ve often made the observation that the Good Lord gave most of us two eyes, two ears and one mouth which says to me that we should probably consider spending two thirds of our time watching and listening and a third of it talking.

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Fulfilling the Three Objectives of Fiscal Sustainability

October 11, 2016

Peggy Merriss - City Manager, Decatur

Economic sustainability provides residents, busi­ness owners, taxpayers and financial markets with confidence in a city’s vitality and financial position.

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6 Information Security Best Practices to Help Cities Comply with the Law

CitySmart by VC3

September 26, 2016

Nathan Eisner, COO, Sophicity

Over time, information security laws only grow stronger. As information technology continues to mature, expectations grow higher that cities will protect its data. When data loss occurs or sensitive information is stolen, the financial and legal repercussions (along with the public outrage) may increase.

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Old Mills Come Back to Life as Tourist Attractions and Commerce Sites

September 19, 2016

Gale Gay

In the 1900s textile mills were a vital part of the Georgia economy. Now, some of these former industrial spac­es—many of which have sat vacant for decades—are finding new lives as entertainment and trendy commerce spaces drawing new audiences in­cluding tourists.

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The Georgia Manufacturing Directory Makes Buying Local Easy

September 19, 2016

After a million requests for a list of products manu­factured in Georgia, Jason Moss, CEO of the Georgia Manufacturing Alliance, now has solutions to please both general consumers and manufacturers. And he offers a challenge.

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Of Dogs and Privacy: The Warrantless Taking of a Dog’s Blood and All That Comes with It

Towns and the Law

September 16, 2016

Phil Friduss

Amanda Newcomb is out of money. Because of that, she is unable to regularly feed her dog, Juno. Her neighbor, apparently follow­ing Juno’s plight, calls the Oregon Hu­mane Society, and so begins the saga.

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Georgia Government Communicators Hold Second Annual Conference

September 16, 2016

From August 11-12, GMA in partnership with ACCG held its 2nd Annual Govern­ment Communicators Conference at the Jekyll Island Convention Center.

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Film Industry Generates More Than $7 Billion for Georgia’s Economy

September 16, 2016

In August, Gov. Nathan Deal announced that Georgia-produced feature film and television productions generated an economic impact of more than $7 billion during fiscal year 2016. The 245 feature film and television produc­tions shot in Georgia represent $2.02 billion in direct spending in the state.

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Displaying Items 616-630 (of 715)