Reference Articles

Displaying Items 661-675 (of 715)

5 Questions You Need to Ask About Body Camera Technology

CitySmart by VC3

June 15, 2015

John Miller, Senior Consultant, Sophicity

As body camera technology becomes more talked about and implemented incities, it’s easy to focus only on the actual body cameras. But similar to buying and implementing any shiny new toy—whether it’s new software or buying new computers—the purchase of a new technology that’s integrated with an existing poor technology infrastructure will only lead to frustration and risk.

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Macon Embraces Creative Placemaking with Maker Movement and Festival

June 5, 2015

In 2014, ArtPlace awarded the College Hill Alliance $125,000 to support its effort to host Central Geor­gia’s first maker festival. The event aims to position Macon regionally as a leader in creative placemaking and innovation.

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Without IT Investment, One Virus Can Take You Down

CitySmart by VC3

May 12, 2015

Dave Mims, CEO, Sophicity

One simple virus can take down your entire city. The fact that it’s easy for even a tech-savvy person to occasionally be fooled by a virus means that you need more than a free antivirus program installed on your desktops.

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Learn From Hillary Clinton: Stop Using Personal Emails for City Business

CitySmart by VC3

April 10, 2015

John Miller, Senior Consultant, Sophicity

If you feel behind the technology curve on email, you’re not alone. If people at Hillary Clinton’s level are wrestling with it, then it’s understandable that many other government entities are too. But now is the time to act. 

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Is Your Data Backup and Cybersecurity Ready for Body Cameras?

CitySmart by VC3

February 27, 2015

John Miller, Senior Consultant, Sophicity

Body cameras for police officers have quickly gone from an expensive novelty to something that cities need to seriously consider. Like it or not, these technology-intensive cameras will eventually become part of your public safety budget—if they aren’t being considered already.

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Service Delivery Strategy Webinar

December 15, 2014

Because many cities around the state are undergoing (or soon will be undergoing) the process of updating their SDS, GMA offered a series of workshops around the state to provide municipal officials with information about the requirements in the Service Delivery Act and suggestions for how to calculate tax equity.

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Georgia Land Bank Resource Manual

June 26, 2013

A collaborative of nonprofit organizations, including Center for Community Progress, has released the comprehensive Georgia Land Bank Resource Manual to guide stakeholders through the process of creating new – and working with existing – land bank authorities.

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Registry for Municipal Prosecuting Attorneys Opened

May 30, 2012

Georgia cities that have a prosecuting attorney's office for their municipal court are required to submit copies of the resolution or ordinance creating the office to the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia.

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Final Consent Order in Gwinnett County Service Delivery Strategy Dispute

April 27, 2012

On February 8, 2012, Superior Court Judge David Barrett entered a 52-page final consent order in the service delivery litigation between Gwinnett County and the cities.

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Cities & Downtowns: Building Blocks to Recovery

January 26, 2011

During 2010, GMA and the Georgia Cities Foundation engaged the University of Georgia’s Fanning Institute to conduct a comprehensive study of downtowns in Georgia.

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Downtown Development Authorities

April 6, 2010

Downtown development authorities are used in cities throughout the state as a mechanism to revitalize and redevelop municipal central business districts. City officials should understand how DDAs are created, what DDAs are empowered to do and the roles and responsibilities of DDA members.

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Compensation: Increasing Municipal Elected Official Pay

December 21, 2001

Ed Sumner, former General Counsel, Georgia Municipal Association

One of the frequent questions posed to GMA by city attorneys, city officials and, occasionally, news media representatives, relates to the legality and method of increasing the salaries of elected officials.

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2019 Georgia Government Communicators Conference Resources

Here you’ll find the PowerPoint presentations from the 2019 Georgia Government Communicators Conference

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Inequitable fines and fees hurt vulnerable communities. Now, policymakers have an opportunity for re


As the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated economic insecurity for millions of people across the U.S., many cities instituted policies and programs aimed at providing some relief to individuals and families. These include policies that temporarily halted fines and fees collections, which disproportionately impact Black and Latino or Hispanic communities.

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Displaying Items 661-675 (of 715)