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2021 GMA Annual Convention: GMA’s 2021 Clerk of the Year

October 5, 2021

Brookhaven City Clerk Susan Hiott was named the Georgia Municipal Clerks Association’s 2021 Clerk of the Year during the GMA Annual Convention.

Brookhaven City Clerk Susan Hiott
Hiott was nominated by both Brookhaven’s mayor and city manager. She has served no less than four cities in her career as city clerk and has the distinction of having been the first clerk in two of those cities. Her experience includes records administration, court administration, human resources, cemetery operations, grants and general administration and supervision.

In addition to exceeding in her service to Brookhaven, Hiott was also the city clerk in three other cities and has been active in several association and authorities including the Development Authority, Facilities Authority, Arts Alliance, Chambers of Commerce, Auxiliaries and School Councils. She has presented at past GMA concurrent sessions and clerk training classes. Hiott was the first Georgia Clerk to receive the Master Municipal Clerk designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks in 2008, and recently received the Athenian Fellow designation of IIMC’s Athenian Leadership Society.

The Georgia Municipal Clerks Association promotes the highest standards of excellence among city clerks in the areas of leadership, service, integrity and professionalism through education and professional development, and by providing networking opportunities for discussion of municipal challenges and finding mutual solutions by research. Each year, the association recognizes one clerk who exemplifies these standards with the Clerk of the Year Award.


This article was originally featured in the September/October 2021 edition of Georgia’s Cities Magazine.

Want to see more of GMA’s 2021 Convention coverage? Take a look at the articles linked below, and for only $50, you can view all the Concurrent Sessions as well as the Opening and General Sessions, the Business Meeting, Awards Ceremony, Large and Small City Rapid Fire Sessions, city spotlights and more. You can learn more here.

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