
Private Permitting Review And Inspection: GMA Resources for Cities

June 2, 2020

In 2019, the General Assembly passed and Governor Kemp signed into law HB493, the Private Permitting Review and Inspection Act. This legislation is the product of collaborative efforts between the Georgia Municipal Association, Association County Commissioners of Georgia, the state legislature, industry stakeholders, and a focus group of municipal officials and development professionals. State law provides procedures for alternative plan review, permitting, and inspections by private providers to streamline local regulations on development.

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Model Small Cell Ordinance and Permit Application

June 27, 2019

During the 2018 and 2019 legislative sessions GMA was deeply involved in legislation relating to small wireless facilities, also known as small cells, in the right of way. GMA helped defeat harmful legislation in 2018 but, through extensive negotiations after the 2018 legislative session, was able to reach agreement with AT&T, Verizon, and ACCG on legislation that would allow for streamlined processes concerning the installation of small cells in the right of way.

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Sales Tax Info (SB 371) Designated Officer Model Resolution

May 13, 2019

This model resolution will allow you to designate a point of contact and request sales tax information from the Department of Revenue in accordance with SB 371 as passed by the General Assembly in the 2018 session.

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Guidance & Model Ordinances: Breweries and Distilleries (SB 85)

August 9, 2017

Governor Nathan Deal signed Senate Bill 85 into law on May 8, 2017. SB 85 allows manufacturers of distilled spirits and malt beverages to sell a limited amount of the products they produce directly to the public for consumption both on and off a manufacturer’s premises. These manufacturers may only sell distilled spirits and beer that have been manufactured on-site, and they may only sell to consumers who visit the distiller’s or brewer’s manufacturing location.

Additionally, SB 85 amended the "brewpub" exception to the three-tier alcohol distribution system by allowing the holder of a brewpub license to sell wine and beer by the package, subject to local approval.

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Model Master Right-of-Way License Agreement

February 28, 2017

To assist cities and the industry negotiate terms that balance protection of the local right of way and the needs of wireless infrastructure companies to locate wireless infrastructure, GMA has developed a model Master Right-of-Way License Agreement with Mobilitie, LLC.

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Model Bar Disciplinary Action Ordinance

July 7, 2016

This model reporting ordinance for disciplinary actions against bar licensees is provided only for general informational purposes and to assist Georgia cities in ensuring that notification to Georgia Department of Revenue is accomplished within 45 days of any disciplinary action being taken by a municipality against a person issued a license by the municipality to operate a bar. The ordinance is not and should not be treated as legal advice.  This model ordinance has been developed in response to House Bill 152 from the 2015-2016 legislative session. You should consult with your legal counsel before drafting or adopting any ordinance and before taking any action based on this model.

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Model Purchasing Card Policy

May 29, 2015

During the 2015 legislative session, the Georgia General Assembly enacted legislation which provides for penalties to elected officials who abuse or misuse government issued purchasing cards. These penalties can include civil fines and criminal offenses and should be taken very seriously.

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Model Excise Tax Ordinance with IGA

June 28, 2012

During the 2012 legislative session the Georgia General Assembly overhauled Georgia’s tax system in large and meaningful ways. One of the changes to Georgia’s tax system will provide for an exemption to the sales tax used in manufacturing starting in 2013.

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Model Foreclosure and Vacant Real Property Registry Ordinance

June 28, 2012

Over the past two legislative sessions HB 110 underwent numerous changes in attempts by the General Assembly to place some statewide guidelines on local governments registries of vacant and foreclosed real property.

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Model Coin Operated Machine Ordinance

June 28, 2012

Over the past few years there has been a growing problem related to internet cafés and other business establishments of a similar sort which utilize the sales of phone cards, internet time, or other similar sales as a subterfuge to skirt Georgia’s gambling laws.

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Model Derelict and Blighted Property Ordinance

June 28, 2012

Cities throughout the state of Georgia have issues relating to derelict property and GMA often gets questions related to the options cities have in controlling this growing problem. In response, GMA has developed these model ordinances based upon ordinances enacted by the City of Griffin, Georgia, to whom much thanks is given, for use by other cities in controlling nuisance properties.

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Model Pawnbroker and Secondhand Dealer Ordinance

June 28, 2012

During the past few legislative sessions there have been bills introduced that would limit the abilities of local governments in regulating pawnshops and secondhand dealers.

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Model Sunday Package Sales Ordinance

June 28, 2012

The Georgia General Assembly, in 2011, enacted legislation allowing local governments to call for referenda concerning whether Sunday package sales of beer, wine and potentially liquor should be allowed in that jurisdiction.

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Model Municipal Court Prosecutor Ordinance

June 14, 2012

During the 2012 legislative session Senate Bill 352 was passed which created the first statutory provisions in Georgia relating to prosecutors in municipal courts. The legislation allows, but does not mandate, cities to create an office of prosecuting attorney for the municipal court.

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Statewide Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement

February 7, 2012

The Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA), in cooperation with GMA and ACCG, has developed a Statewide Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement.

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Model Ordinance: Motorized Carts and Personal Transportation Vehicles

August 3, 2011

During the 2011 Legislative Session, the General Assembly passed legislation, Senate Bill 240, creating a definition for “personal transportation vehicle” in Title 40 of the Official Code of Georgia, dealing with motor vehicles. The new definition greatly overlaps with an existing definition in the same Title of the Code for “motorized cart.” As a result, there has been great confusion as to the implications of the new definition.

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Model Ordinance: Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications 9-1-1 Charge

July 12, 2011

During the 2011 Legislative Session, the General Assembly passed House Bill 256, which provides comprehensive regulation of 9-1-1 charges on prepaid wireless services.

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Model Ordinance: Outdoor Landscape Watering

November 2, 2010

Before January 1, 2011, all cities and counties in Georgia are required to adopt outdoor watering restrictions in conformity with O.C.G.A. § 12-5-7(a.1).

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Sample Ordinance: Municipal Emergency Management

August 13, 2010

GMA in cooperation with GEMA and ACCG has produced a Sample Municipal Emergency Management ordinance. This ordinance is designed to address situations where there is a local emergency that falls short of a state declared emergency.

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Sample "Red Flag" Ordinance

September 30, 2008

The Federal Trade Commission adopted regulations in 2007 requiring all utility companies and other entities that act as creditors, and provide certain types of accounts, to enact "red flag policies" to protect consumers from identity theft.

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