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Cable & Telecommunications Management Services Overview

Learn how GMA's Cable & Telecommunications Management Services can help your city with franchise fee audits, franchise management and cell tower lease negotiations.

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Meet GMA’s Consultant: Greg Fender

Greg Fender provides technical assistance to local governments on negotiating franchise and pole attachment agreements with companies that utilize a city’s right of way and facilities. He also assists cities in figuring out how they can maximize the revenue collected from companies that use their public right of way. For Greg, it’s important to make sure local governments are compensated the correct amount of money and that companies comply with local ordinances.

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Cities Should Be Prepared for ‘Small Cells’

Many cities have worked with telecom­munications companies that want to place equipment on water tank tow­ers and cell towers on public rights of way. As these telecommunications companies increasingly compete for better wireless coverage, they have be­gun to rely more on specialty compa­nies that are now starting to approach cities about placing “small cells” in the public rights of way.

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