1. Make sure the scope of work fits within a 3-4 month time period.
2. Clearly define and communicate the project deliverables. In other words, what does your city want out of the project?
3. Designate a point of contact for the city.
Ready to submit a project proposal? Click here.
A city can submit multiple proposals. In this case, please submit a separate form for each project.
Not every project submitted by a city may be assigned that semester. GMA will reach out to confirm if the city wants to keep their project on the list for consideration in the next term.
Once the project assignment is set and all parties have met in a kick-off meeting, GMA will send out an electronic Memorandum of Understanding specifying the project deliverables and deadlines. All parties (client city POC, each student, faculty advisor and GMA staff) will need to sign this agreement. Find a sample MOU here.
GMA staff will serve as a liaison between the client city, the student(s), and the professor and will remain in contact with each throughout the semester.