Reference Articles

Displaying Items 166-180 (of 715)

COVID-19 Fines & Fees Policy Tracker

December 22, 2021

Fines & Fees Justice Center

The number of people struggling to find work, feed their families, and pay off court debt has increased by 8 million since the pandemic began. U.S. city, state, and local governments should be taking immediate action to lessen the harms of COVID-19 on these communities. Instead, many have chosen to scale up fines and fees policies that trap people in a cycle of poverty and debt, while extracting wealth out of local economies.

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Building Up the “Bench”

December 20, 2021

Sara Baxter

Gainesville’s Leadership Academy provides city employees with an opportunity to learn valuable leadership skills, setting them up for success.

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You Say You Want Data Backup, But Do You Really Mean It?

CitySmart by VC3

December 20, 2021

David Donovan, CTO, VC3

It’s rare when a municipality flat out shows a complete lack of interest in backing up their data. The problem we see is when towns and cities know they need to follow specific best practices related to data backup and yet…they balk at the investment it requires, no matter how small.

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Milton Fire Department Rolls Out New Program to Offer Home Health Care

December 13, 2021

Chamian Cruz, Appen Media

The Milton Fire Department has launched an effort to meet the needs of the community while reducing the fallout from expensive ambulance or emergency room bills.

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Community Design Answer to Homelessness

Public Square

December 6, 2021

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

An architect makes the case for little cottages, grouped in a village form, as a way to address homelessness.

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Building Diverse, Equal and Inclusive Communities in Georgia’s Cities

December 3, 2021

Sara Baxter

Georgia City Solutions, a nonprofit organization managed by GMA, is helping cities strengthen their communities by creating a place where everyone wants to live, play and work – and most importantly, feel like they belong.

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New Cyber Coverage Requirements & Available ARPA Funds Prompt Investment in Cybersecurity

December 3, 2021

By Alison Cline Earles, Senior Associate General Counsel CIPP/US GMA

Underwriting changes and likely availability of ARPA funds make the time ripe for cities to invest in “must have” cybersecurity measures. City leaders should review underwriting questionnaires with it and develop plans to implement missing information security measures.

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Inside Look: 2020 Census Count Question Resolution Process

December 3, 2021

The release of 2020 Census data has allowed cities to examine population, demographic and housing changes within their jurisdictions since the last decennial survey in 2010.

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Cities Make Transformative Changes with ARPA Funds

December 2, 2021

The American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund will deliver nearly $1.4 billion in funds directly to all cities in Georgia. This is the first time that every jurisdiction in the country, regardless of population size, has received a direct federal formula grant.

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Understanding Hate Crimes and How They Impact Communities

November 16, 2021

In this November 16, 2021, EMBRACE webinar, Dr. Allison Padilla-Goodman, Vice President, Southern Division, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), discussed what a hate crime is, the importance of comprehensive hate crimes laws, data on hate crimes and the importance of reporting, who perpetrates hate crimes, and what can be done to address it in our communities. 

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5 Areas Where Information Technology Can Improve Compliance

CitySmart by VC3

November 15, 2021

Joe Howland, Chief Information Security Officer, Sophicity

Compliance. One of those necessary operational activities that you know is working when nothing bad happens. When compliance doesn’t work, however, you open the door to significant risk.

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New Cyber Coverage Requirements & Available ARPA Funds Prompt Investment in Cybersecurity

November 9, 2021

Alison Cline Earles, Senior Associate General Counsel CIPP/US, Georgia Municipal Association

This article is not legal advice or a substitute for legal advice. It reflects the author’s understanding of published treasury guidance as of October 28, 2021.

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Street Trees: A Wonder of Climate Adaptation

Public Square

November 8, 2021

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

Street trees have many benefits, but their climate impact is becoming more important all the time.

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Celebrating Georgia Cities Week 2021

November 4, 2021

In Oct. 2021, municipalities across the state participated in Georgia Cities Week through a variety of events, initiatives and proclamations. Watch this video to see how communities celebrated.

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Downtown Developments: Georgia Downtown Association 2021 Award Presentations

November 1, 2021

The MWCA provides an opportunity for all citizens of Monroe to experience the arts including their beautiful garden with painted sidewalks, sculptures and fountain.

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Displaying Items 166-180 (of 715)