Reference Articles

Displaying Items 286-300 (of 715)

Cities Further Innovations in Technology

April 5, 2021

Georgia’s cities aren’t sitting on the sidelines when it comes to innovation. Across the state, local leaders are welcoming new technology to help boost their economies and add in-demand resources. Whether it’s using city resources to foster innovation that could have a global impact or providing a solution to a problem caused by new technology, cities are working to stay a step ahead.

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The Value of Cities Data Dive: Population Growth

April 5, 2021

Georgia is by all accounts a growing state. But like an awkward teenager, this growth is not evenly distributed. While the aggregate population of Georgia’s cities increased by more than 20% over the last 10 years (compared to about 10% for the entire state), a closer look at the data shows some divergent —and familiar—patterns.

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Legislating and Lobbying in the ‘New Normal’

April 5, 2021

“Our governmental relations team, in concert with the Legislative Policy Council and city officials, will continue to advocate for the principles of home rule and local control on behalf of all of Georgia’s cities,” said Tom Gehl, GMA governmental relations director. “We thank the city officials who have participated in the legislative process this year, provided feedback on bills and communicated with legislators that cities are united, even in the new normal for legislating and lobbying.”

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Graduate Students Find Solutions to Support Cities

April 5, 2021

Three graduate students from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University (GSU) researched the local engagement challenges expressed by several cities as part of GMA’s Hub Cities Initiative. In their final report, the team outlined thier key findings from stakeholder interviews, provided an overview of strategies and engagement best practices from across the nation and made recommendations on which best practices each of the five cities could consider using to address its specific challenges.

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Georgia City Solutions: Leaders Begin Workforce Development & Equity Initiatives

April 5, 2021

The Georgia City Solutions Board of Directors held a virtual meeting in February to review and discuss proposed GCS programs and funding needs to support the adopted strategic plan. The proposed programs total approximately $5 million over a three-year period and will address the overarching issue of intergenerational poverty.

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Resources to Serve Cities: Georgia Broadband Deployment Initiative

April 5, 2021

The current pandemic has created plenty of uncertainties while also confirming what many local officials knew all along: a reliable internet connection is essential infrastructure for business, healthcare, education, agriculture and overall quality of life.

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From Housing to Food Insecurity, Albany Uses Data to Tackle Local Challenges

April 5, 2021

Named in the inaugural class of four communities to receive a Georgia Smart Communities Challenge (Georgia Smart) grant from Georgia Tech in 2018, Albany’s Housing Data Analytics and Visualization Initiative has evolved into something more.

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The Technology Foundation Cities Need to Stay Secure in 2021

April 5, 2021

In this chat with Georgia’s Cities magazine, Joe Howland, Chief Information Security Officer at VC3, offers tips for cities looking to increase cybersecurity.

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Fiber Optic Investments Pay Off in Covington

April 5, 2021

Covington spread its fiber investment over many years, but many Georgia cities and counties face quickly increasing demands brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, the Georgia Broadband Deployment Initiative, led by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and Georgia Technology Authority, was already in the works to establish a framework to encourage rural broadband investment.

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City Spotlight: The City of Conyers Establishes Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board

April 5, 2021

During the City of Conyers’ Annual Retreat in January of 2020, Human Resources Director Casey Duren presented to the mayor and council an idea to establish “The Connect Committee.” The committee’s purpose was to foster an environment where employees could collaboratively work as a team despite any physical, cultural or personal differences.

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Small Town, Big Impact: Cornelia Officials Warn Small Cities of Cyberattacks

April 5, 2021

Cornelia city officials awoke the morning after Christmas 2020 to find out they’d been hacked. Luckily, they were prepared. Cornelia had already gone through a hack in 2019 and made significant upgrades to their IT security in the aftermath.

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More than Pictures: Social Media Transcends Social Distance & Communication Barriers

April 5, 2021

In an era when adults use social media for gathering news, checking in with friends and following their favorite businesses, it only makes sense that local governments also have a presence. To really connect with residents, though, cities need to do more than just post standard memos, especially since the pandemic has made digital personas even more valuable. Three Georgia cities: Griffin, Brookhaven and Tucker, are taking unique and innovative approaches on social media to further engage residents.

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Get the Children Reading

March 22, 2021

Sara Baxter

Promoting literacy helps protect the health, well-being and economy of communities, and it’s a great way to engage young readers.

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Confronting Poverty: Tools for Understanding Economic Hardship and Risk

March 22, 2021

This website contains three different tools to observe and understand the extent of economic inequality in the United States. The first is a poverty risk calculator, which allows users to estimate and compare their future risk of poverty. Second, a discussion guide provides deeper insight into American poverty. The third element is a research component for further exploration.

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DPH Shares COVID-19 Vaccine Information

March 17, 2021

By the Georgia Department of Public Health

The Georgia Department of Public Health has created an article to equip citizens with the latest facts and information about the COVID-19 vaccines. They have requested GMA share this information with our members.

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Displaying Items 286-300 (of 715)