Reference Articles

Displaying Items 91-105 (of 715)

Certified City of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Certification Program

January 18, 2023

In this January 18, 2023, EMBRACE webinar, Alexandra Campos Castillo, Program Manager of Georgia City Solutions, introduced Georgia City Solutions’ new city certification program: Certified City of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging, a program designed to recognize cities that adopt policies and practices that promote equity and inclusion within their municipal government and community.

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Cities Connect: How to Become a Certified City of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

January 12, 2023

Welcome to Cities Connect, where we discuss issues that matter. In this episode of Cities Connect, Alexandra Campos Castillo, Georgia City Solutions’ Program Manager, details that group’s new certification program: the Certified City of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging.

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Cities Connect: What Cities Need to Know About the 2023 Legislative Session

Cities Connect

January 12, 2023

In this episode of Cities Connect, members of GMA’s Governmental Relations team, including Director Jim Thornton, provide an overview of the upcoming session and discuss the issues that are likely to be particularly impactful to cities this year.

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Intentional Equity & Inclusion in Economic Development

December 15, 2022

In this December 13, 2022, EMBRACE webinar, Chris Pike with Urban Pulse addressed how cities can be intentional in developing and implementing equitable economic development strategies that grow quality jobs and increases entrepreneurship, ownership, and wealth for all members in the community.

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Cities Connect: The Truth About Georgia’s Widening Urban-Rural Divide

Cities Connect

December 15, 2022

In this episode of Cities Connect, we speak with journalist Charles Hayslett, an award-winning journalist, speechwriter and public relations counselor, about the costs and consequences of Georgia’s widening urban-rural divide.

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How Physical Activity, Land Use, Transportation, and Zoning Intersect

Public Square

December 15, 2022

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

Zoning rarely gets discussed as directly related to health, but communities that have reformed their codes see health benefits, from reduced rates of cancer to greater physical activity—which in turn lowers disease and improves mental health.

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Cities Connect: What Can Cities Do to Help Improve Literacy Rates?

December 7, 2022

Welcome to Cities Connect, where we discuss issues that matter. This episode includes two literacy-focused presentations.

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Cities Connect: Resources and Tools for Wastewater Funding

December 6, 2022

Welcome to Cities Connect, where we discuss issues that matter. In this episode, we’re speaking with Amanda Willis from the Georgia Rural Water Association and Mayor Pro Tem of the city of Carlton. Ms. Willis provides information on infrastructure-related funding for cities, including upgrades, collection system expansions and existing septic system repairs.

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Cities Connect: What You Need to Know About First Amendment Audits

Cities Connect

November 9, 2022

In this episode of Cities Connect, we discuss a practice every government employee needs to be aware of: 1st Amendment audits. We’re joined by three First Amendment experts who will explain what these audits are and what city officials need to know to ensure they remain on the right side of the law.

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COVID-19 Variants and Boosters Fact Sheet

November 1, 2022

Brought to you by the Morehouse School of Medicine and the National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN), this single-page PDF provides information about the Fall 2022 booster shots and provides age-based guidelines for the shots. It also contains several pertinent and helpful links.

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Cities Connect: How Cities Can Help Prevent Homelessness

Cities Connect

November 1, 2022

Welcome to Cities Connect, where we discuss issues that matter. In this episode, we’ll be discussing unsheltered homelessness in Georgia in two separate presentations.

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Putting the Needs of Children and Families First in Clarkston

November 1, 2022

Sara Baxter

The City of Clarkston has found that collaboration is key in finding ways to engage the community with the goal of improving early childhood learning.

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Improving the Workplace by having Courageous Conversations

October 25, 2022

In this October 18, 2022, EMBRACE webinar, Bill Tank, Director of Public Services, Equity and Inclusion for the City of Powder Springs, discussed the concept of "courageous conversations" and what it takes to have those conversations in the workplace.

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Cities Connect: Cybersecurity Funding for Cities and Diabetes Awareness

Cities Connect

October 20, 2022

This edition of Cities Connect includes two presentations: Experts from the Georgia Technology Authority discuss cybersecurity and related funding for cities, and a health and a wellness consultant details the importance of diabetes awareness.

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Cities Connect: How Twitter Can Help City Leaders

Cities Connect

October 12, 2022

In this episode of Cities Connect, Twitter’s manager of Public Policy, Kia Kolderup-Lane, and Wendy Atobatale, a fellow on Twitter’s Public Policy team, discuss the power of social media. They explain how Twitter can help city leaders share stories, improve their brands and keep residents informed and connected.

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Displaying Items 91-105 (of 715)