Keynote Speaker
Over a decade ago, Ben Nemtin and his three best friends created a list of their 100 wildest dreams and began checking them off one by one. For every dream they accomplished, they helped a stranger accomplish a dream too. Since then, they've crossed off "Write a #1 New York Times Bestseller," "Make a TV show (on MTV)," "Be interviewed by Oprah," helped reunite a father and son after 17 years, and surprised a young girl with a much-needed bionic arm. Ben's message of radical possibility has been featured on The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, FOX, and NBC News. President Obama called Ben and The Buried Life "an inspiration for a new generation," and Oprah declared their mission "truly inspiring."
In this powerful keynote, Ben shares his system for achieving impossible goals and explains how the path to growth is the pursuit of purpose. Be prepared to take action toward your dreams and leave inspired to live your purpose.