Privacy Policy

General Privacy Policy for GMA and GMA-Managed Entities.*

Any specific privacy notice or statement shown as part of an event description or at the time of collection of the information supplements this general privacy policy.

Personal Information We Collect and Store on Behalf of GMA and GMA-Managed Entities

We may collect and store the following information: name, phone number, email address, mailing address, name of city or organization, role with city or organization, title, registration for our events or activities, attendance at our events or activities (including attendance at training sessions or meetings that occur during an event), survey results, evaluations, billing and payment information, and information required to arrange for lodging, meals, and disability accommodations at such events. This information may be collected through your interaction with the website or through communications between GMA staff and your organization or through GMA staff review of public information. In addition, this information may be collected during events or trainings.

For online registrations and card-present transactions, we collect but do not store payment card information. Instead, this information is submitted to our payment card processor by the cardholder or a specially trained member of staff and no payment card information is maintained by GMA.

For mailed and faxed registrations, we collect payment card information and store it only until the information is submitted to our payment card processor.

We safeguard payment card information in accordance with contractual obligations and payment card data security standards.

Security of Georgia Municipal Association-managed websites

The Georgia Municipal Association has taken steps to safeguard the information on all managed sites. These security measures are taken as a part of the implementation of all GMA software and hardware infrastructure in order to mitigate risk. GMA, however, cannot warrant as fail proof the security of information collected or provided via this site. Unauthorized attempts to change information on this site or upload information are strictly prohibited.

Website & Google Analytics

Georgia Municipal Association-managed websites use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics collects first-party cookies, data related to the device/browser, IP address (when collecting data, Google Analytics 4 does not log or store IP addresses), and on-site/app activities to measure and report statistics about user interactions on the websites and/or apps that use Google Analytics. This information will be transmitted to and stored by Google on its servers, but will not be shared with GMA. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Google Privacy and Terms

How We Use and Share Personal Information

We use the information we collect to communicate with members, administer events and activities, improve customer service, develop offerings, communicate members’ needs and experiences with legislators and state, local, and federal government entities, collaborate with national organizations that support cities, foster interactions among members, and further our mission.

We share names, titles, city roles, city, phone number, mailing address and event registration status with business alliance program participants, event sponsors, and exhibitors that provide resources and information to help cities operate effectively.

We share this information and email addresses with contracted entities selected by GMA to provide revenue opportunity and operational efficiency services to members. These select entities are required by contract to safeguard this information and ensure that any recipient of their promotional communications is able to opt out in accordance with applicable law.

We may share necessary contact information with a governmental entity responsible for emergency communication if GMA determines such disclosure is in the best interest of its members.  
We share individually identifiable attendance information and evaluations with training partners. We share name, title and city/organization of registered individuals with event speakers.

We share individually identifiable information related to participation in specific activities with third party service providers who are contractually obligated to protect such information and use it only to perform the services. In general, information collected on behalf of GMA Managed Entities may also be used and shared to further the mission of GMA and information collected on behalf of GMA may also be used and shared to further the mission of GMA Managed Entities.

Photos and Video Recordings at GMA Events

Georgia Municipal Association, Inc. and all GMA-managed entities  (together, “GMA”) take photographs and video recordings of individuals and activities in public spaces at GMA events. By attending a GMA event, you acknowledge that you may be photographed or recorded in these public spaces. GMA reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken by or on behalf of GMA at any event coordinated or administered by GMA without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. GMA may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by GMA including but not limited to: social media, brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc. Published images may include a description of the image and the individuals’ names and titles.

By participating in a GMA event you are agreeing to release, defend, and hold harmless GMA and all organizations for which GMA coordinates or administers events from any and all claims involving the use of your image or likeness.

In some cases, GMA may be able to accommodate a request for an individual not to be photographed or recorded at a specific event. Please contact GMA at least five days before the event if you wish to make such a request.

QR Codes on badges and tickets at GMA Events

By attending a GMA event, you agree that QR Codes on badges and tickets are used as described in the FAQ below. QR Codes may also be used as described in information about gamification.

  1. What is the QR Code on my Badge and Tickets? The QR Code is a shortcut to downloadable “Contact Details” about the primary registrant that GMA has in its contact system: the primary registrant’s name, title, organization, email, and phone number. For authorized GMA door monitors, it is also a shortcut to the primary registrant’s profile in the GMA registration system that enables them to quickly see that the primary registrant is registered for the event and check such person in.
  2. How do I know what information is shared when an attendee or exhibitor scans my personal QR Code? You are able to scan your own QR Code with your phone and will be able to download the “Contact Details” to see what information would be shared, should you choose to scan your badge with another attendee or exhibitor.
  3. What happens when a GMA authorized door monitor scans the QR Code on my badge or event ticket before I enter an event, meeting room, or training session? The door monitor will be able to easily verify the primary registrant is registered (if registration is required) and check such person in. This updates the GMA information system to record the primary registrant’s name, the date and time of the check-in, and the title of the event, meeting, or training session. In some situations, event tickets will be collected and then scanned after entry.
  4. What does GMA do with this attendance information? For training sessions, this will let the registration desk know that the primary registrant has arrived (like checking in at the airport). GMA uses the information to confirm timely arrival at training sessions, which is required for credit. For all situations in which the QR is scanned by an authorized GMA door monitor, scanning the QR Code helps GMA quickly analyze different parts of the Annual Convention. GMA uses this information to evaluate Convention offerings, identify interests of attendees, and more easily provide follow up communications to attendees. For Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute courses, QR codes will be scanned by door monitors upon arrival to the class and attendees will scan the QR code on their badge when they submit their course completion form at the end of class.
  5. If attending training, do I still need to stay for the entire training and submit a course completion form signed by the presenter at the end? YES. Although the QR Code scans demonstrate the times of arrival and departure, final training credit is not based solely on this information. Per the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute policy, attendees must stay for the entire class and submit a course completion form signed by the participant and the presenter. Per the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute policy, anyone arriving more than 30 minutes after the class begins for six-hour classes and arriving more than 15 minutes after the class begins for three-hour classes, leaving class repeatedly or leaving the class early will not receive credit.
  6. Does GMA share my attendance information? For classes conducted through the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute, GMA shares the training event QR Code scan information with the Carl Vinson Institute of Government to enable the CVIOG to determine, in conjunction with the course completion form, if the attendee is eligible to receive credit for a course. Otherwise, GMA does not share individual meeting/training attendance information captured through the QR Code scan outside of GMA. For an attendee eligible to receive training credit through the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute, training credit information is shared with the attendee and with the city clerk or other designated individual responsible for assisting the city with registrations.
  7. What happens when another attendee or an exhibitor scans the QR Code? The attendee or exhibitor scanning the QR Code will be able to quickly download the contact information of the primary registrant associated with the QR Code.  This is like giving out a business card with the primary registrant’s name, title, organization, email, and phone number. If you prefer that the attendee or exhibitor contact you only in a specific way (for example, only by email), provide your preferred contact method directly to the attendee or exhibitor instead of allowing the attendee or exhibitor to scan the QR Code.
  8. Where should I direct my questions about the QR Code? Questions regarding the QR Code can be directed to Sharon Collins, Director of Conferences and Management Services.

Gamification at GMA Events

Some GMA events feature gamification as a way to promote engagement in event activities. Participation is always voluntary. The description of the game includes an explanation of how a game participant’s information may be shared with others. If an attendee opts to participate in gamification, information captured through QR codes as described above may also be used for purposes of administering the game. Moreover, information not described in the QR Code section above but captured through surveys or other methods described in the game description will be used for purposes of administering the game and evaluating the GMA event. Except for recognitions described in the game description, GMA does not publish or share the information collected for gamification. Please direct any questions about gamification to Alan Dickerson, Director, Training and Member Engagement Administration.

Online Surveys

From time to time, GMA may conduct online surveys. GMA staff may also contact you by telephone with the option to participate in other member research studies. Members of GMA online communities also may conduct informal surveys. Participation in any survey is always voluntary. Unless the survey contains specific information about the purpose of the survey, aggregation of results, or anonymity, participants should expect that their responses will be linked to their individually identifiable information, such as IP address, name, or email and that their responses will be used as GMA determines appropriate for the general benefit of Georgia cities.

*GMA Managed Entities are: Georgia City Solutions; GA Cities Foundation, Inc.; GA City-County Management Association; GA Downtown Association; GA Municipal Clerks Association; DeKalb Municipal Association, Inc.; GA Association of Fire Chiefs; Gwinnett Municipal Association; Georgia Forward, Inc.; GMA Gas Section.

Privacy Policy for GMA as Administrator of Funds

Personal Information We Collect and Store on Behalf of GMA-Administered Funds

GMA administers the Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System (“GMEBS”) defined benefit retirement plan, the GMA Defined Contribution and Deferred Compensation Program 401(a) and 457(b) plans, the GMEBS health, dental, vision, and life insurance plans, the GMEBS Other Post-Employment Benefits trust, the GMA Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance Fund, and the Georgia Interlocal Risk Management Agency. For each of these, GMA must collect, use, and share demographic information as well as individually identifiable information of a highly sensitive nature.

GMA maintains and implements information privacy and security policies to protect individually identifiable information associated with these programs in accordance with applicable laws and guidance.

Read the Notice of Information Privacy Practices that applies to the GMEBS health, dental, and vision plans.


We use Hotjar in order to better understand our users’ needs and to optimize this service and experience. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand our users’ experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what users do and don’t like, etc.) and this enables us to build and maintain our service with user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices. This includes a device's IP address (processed during your session and stored in a de-identified form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only), and the preferred language used to display our website. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymized user profile. Hotjar is contractually forbidden to sell any of the data collected on our behalf.

For further details, please see the ‘about Hotjar’ section of Hotjar’s support site."