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Georgia Mayors Leadership Academy

Fifty-six Georgia Mayors recently participated in the inaugural Georgia Mayors Leadership Academy, held from August 28-30, 2024 at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education at the University of Georgia in Athens.

The Georgia Municipal Association and the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government offered this unique leadership development opportunity through the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute. The Georgia Mayors Leadership Academy was specifically designed to help mayors reflect on their vital leadership roles and enhance their ability to thrive while leading their communities.

“We are excited to collaborate with GMA to launch this new program for Georgia’s mayors,” said UGA’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government Director Rob Gordon. “This program provides mayors a unique opportunity to forge strong connections with peers from across the state and learn from experienced national and local leaders. The institute is proud to be a continued resource for Georgia’s cities leadership development, supporting mayors in their efforts to enhance the quality of life for their residents.”

During the three-day immersive experience, mayors from across the state engaged in interactive sessions with renowned speakers, seasoned mayors, and experts in leadership and crisis management. The academy provided a platform to learn about cultivating relationships, advancing community engagement, responding to crises, and leading transformative change.

“The Georgia Mayors Leadership Academy was developed to equip our mayors with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of leadership in our cities," said Larry Hanson, CEO and Executive Director of the Georgia Municipal Association. "We are proud to have partnered with the Carl Vinson Institute of Government to provide this innovative learning experience, and we are confident that our mayors will return to their communities inspired and better prepared to lead. "Participating mayors learned about the vital role they play as convenors, collaborators, consensus builders, and advocates for their communities. By building and maintaining effective relationships and organizing opportunities for community engagement, the mayors are now better equipped to handle crises and lead significant change initiatives.

The next Georgia Mayors Leadership Academy cohort is expected to be in 2026.