Newly Elected Officials Institute

August 1, 2019

2025 Dates for Newly Elected Officials Institute: 
March 19-21, 2025, UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center, Tifton, Georgia 31793
 Registration is now open on the events page on GMA's website. 
The Georgia General Assembly passed legislation (O.C.G.A. 36-45-1) requiring all persons elected as members of a municipal governing authority who were not serving as members of a municipal governing authority on July 1, 1990 to attend and satisfactorily complete a training program specifically designed for newly elected municipal officials.  The Georgia Municipal Association and the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government are pleased to provide this required training to Georgia’s newly elected municipal officials.
The Newly Elected Officials Institute provides an opportunity for mayors and councilmembers to increase their knowledge and understanding of city government, especially as it relates to the role and responsibility of the elected official.  The training provides information designed to increase the awareness of the legal, financial and ethical responsibilities of city officials. Further, the course provides six hours of credit toward the voluntary training certificate program available through the Municipal Training Institute.
Municipal elected officials that have served before and have been reelected are required to take the Newly Elected Officials Institute again if they have been out of office for more than four years or more than one term, whichever is longer.   
The Newly Elected Officials Institute is offered annually, generally in February or March.

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