Hinesville Youth Council


Lia Jones, City Clerk

Council Info
Program is designed to host a maximum of 12 members. Any additional students who would like to participate are advised to join the public Youth Council meetings as citizens would attend regular City C
14-18 (rising freshman to senior)
City General Funds
Pre-COVID at City Hall. During COVID, virtually.
Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Hinesville Youth Council is dedicated to supporting and representing the youth in our local community by working bilaterally with City government, learning about leadership, responsibility, and the importance of service.

Vision Statement

The Hinesville Youth Council envisions a future of increased youth involvement in the local community and in local government policy. It is our vision to turn Hinesville into a sprawling green metropolis that will have an active and empowered youth population united to improve our community.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

As a member you represent yourself, your family, your school and the community. It is important to project an image of consideration, sensitivity, and respect through your behavior, language and dress. The following is a list of expectations for conduct during your tenure with the Hinesville Youth Council.

Each member shall

  • not represent any political party.
  • not use position inappropriately or for personal gain.
  • serve as a professional, positive representative at all times.
  • adequately prepare for and actively participate in all sessions and activities.
  • respect all Youth Council members, City of Hinesville representatives, and other persons encountered during term.
  • be inclusive and promote equality by valuing others’ ideas regardless of race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
  • maintain good citizenship at school and within the community which includes prohibition of bullying and respectable use of social media.
  • uphold the law and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes refraining from the use of tobacco, illicit drugs and alcohol.
  • dress appropriately at all times.
  • campaign with integrity and respect.

Members of the Hinesville Youth Council must uphold this code of conduct and ensure that behaviors are in line with the values of the Council. Any member displaying behavior that is deemed to contradict this code of conduct or purpose of HYC is subject to censure and removal after majority vote from the other members of the Council.

Selection Process

Application with essay and reference requirements, 2.5 GPA, as well as panel interview with Youth Council Advisory Board.

City department responsible for overseeing the council

The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for overseeing the Youth Council.

Does group act as an advisory committee for your City Council and/or County Commission

The Youth Council’s Program is being revised by the City Clerk’s Office and eventually we would like the students to become active leaders to establish more programs in the City through a growing relationship with the City Council.

Does group participate in overnight events?

Parent/Guardian signed permissions slips are required to participate in all events.  If rooms will be shared, details are provided to parents. Adult chaperons are present for duration of the trip. We have only participated in one overnight event in Atlanta, in this case transportation was coordinated with the Liberty County School System.

Words of advice to share with cities considering the establishment of a youth council

Establishing a Youth Council is a long term commitment.  The task is just beginning once the group is created. Staff must be flexible to adapt to the many changes ahead.