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Serve on an Advisory Council

GMA has four advisory councils: Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council, Member Services, Municipal Workforce, and Children and Youth.

Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council

GMA’s Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council oversees the implementation of the Equity and Inclusion Commission’s recommendations which were adopted by the Board of Directors in January 2022.  Another role of the Advisory Council is to recommend additional initiatives, programs and policies that can be undertaken by GMA and/or Georgia City Solutions to assist city officials in their efforts to promote equity and inclusion within their municipal government and community.

The Advisory Council is co-chaired by two municipal officials appointed by the GMA President.

Who is eligible to serve on the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council?

Municipal elected officials and city staff are eligible to serve on the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council.

Does the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council have a set number of members?

Approximately 25 city officials are appointed to serve on the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council each year. Each of the Association’s twelve districts will be represented by at least one member.

What is the term of Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council membership?

Appointments to the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council are for one-year terms. City officials are eligible to serve multiple and consecutive terms.

How often does the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council meet?

The Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council meets no less than twice a year.

What are the expectations of Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council members?

As the purpose of the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council is to provide oversight of the implementation of the commission recommendations, as well as to provide additional recommendations, members are encouraged to participate in the meetings of the Advisory Council as possible, and to actively engage in the meetings, sharing insight, suggestions, concerns and more.

How can I become a member of the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council?

GMA’s CEO and Executive Director, in consultation with the GMA president, makes appointments to the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council.  Preference is given to municipal elected officials/city staff who have participated in at least one EMBRACE program/training/webinar/workshop. If you are interested in serving on the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council, please complete this interest form for consideration.

Member Services Advisory Council

GMA’s Member Services Advisory Council provides ongoing guidance to the GMA staff on the service needs of the membership and recommends new or expanded services that can help cities operate more efficiently. The Member Services Advisory Council is chaired each year by GMA’s Third Vice President.

Who is eligible to serve on the Member Services Advisory Council?

Municipal elected officials, city managers/administrators, assistant city managers/administrators, city clerks and other city staff in high level leadership positions are eligible to serve on the Member Services Advisory Council.

Does the Member Services Advisory Council have a set number of members?

Approximately 35 city officials are appointed to serve on the Member Services Advisory Council each year.

What is the term of Member Services Advisory Council membership?

Appointments to the Member Services Advisory Council are for one-year terms, beginning in July and concluding on June 30 of each year. City officials are eligible to serve multiple and consecutive terms.

How often does the Member Services Advisory Council meet?

The Member Services Advisory Council typically meets twice a year, once in the fall and once in the late winter / early spring timeframe. The meetings generally begin late morning and conclude mid-afternoon.

What are the expectations of Member Services Advisory Council members?

As the purpose of the Member Services Advisory Council is provide guidance to the GMA staff, members are encouraged to participate in both meetings of the Advisory Council each year as possible, and to actively engage in the meetings, sharing suggestions, concerns, experiences and other feedback.

How can I become a member of the Member Services Advisory Council?

GMA’s CEO and Executive Director, in consultation with the GMA President, makes appointments to the Member Services Advisory Council in July of each year. If you are interested in serving on the Member Services Advisory Council, please complete this interest form for consideration.

Municipal Workforce Advisory Council

The purpose of the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council is to evaluate how GMA can assist cities in addressing municipal workforce issues by providing guidance and oversight to the Association’s municipal workforce development efforts.

Who is eligible to serve on the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council?

Municipal elected officials, city managers/administrators, assistant city managers/administrators, city clerks and HR Directors are eligible to serve on the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council.

Does the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council have a set number of members?

Approximately 16 city officials are appointed to serve on the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council each year, including at least one representative from each of GMA’s districts.

What is the term of the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council membership?

Appointments to the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council are for one year terms. City officials are eligible to serve multiple and consecutive terms.

How often does the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council meet?

The Municipal Workforce Advisory Council typically meets two or three times a year. The meetings generally begin late morning and conclude mid-afternoon.

What are the expectations of Municipal Workforce Advisory Council members?

The purpose of the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council is to provide guidance to the GMA staff, members are encouraged to participate in meetings of the Advisory Council each year as possible, and to actively engage in the meetings, sharing suggestions, concerns, experiences and other feedback.

How can I become a member of the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council?

GMA’s CEO and Executive Director, in consultation with the GMA President, makes appointments to the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council. If you are interested in serving on the Municipal Workforce Advisory Council, please complete this interest form for consideration.

Children and Youth Advisory Council

The purpose of the Children and Youth Advisory Council is to recommend programs, training, research, and other initiatives that can be undertaken by GMA and/or Georgia City Solutions, Inc. (GMA’s 501(c)(3)) to assist cities address children and youth issues.

Who is eligible to serve on the Children and Youth Advisory Council?

Municipal elected officials, city managers/administrators, assistant city managers/administrators and city clerks are eligible to serve on the Children and Youth Advisory Council.

Does the Children and Youth Advisory Council have a set number of members?

Approximately 30 city officials are appointed to serve on the Children and Youth Advisory Council each year, including at least two representative from each of GMA’s districts.

What is the term of the Children and Youth Advisory Council membership?

Appointments to the Children and Youth Advisory Council are for one year terms. City officials are eligible to serve multiple and consecutive terms.

How often does the Children and Youth Advisory Council meet?

The Children and Youth Advisory Council will typically meet three times a year. The meetings generally begin late morning and conclude mid-afternoon.

What are the expectations of Children and Youth Advisory Council members?

As the purpose of the Children and Youth Advisory Council is to provide guidance to the GMA staff, members are encouraged to participate in meetings of the Advisory Council each year as possible, and to actively engage in the meetings, sharing suggestions, concerns, experiences and other feedback.

How can I become a member of the Children and Youth Advisory Council?

GMA’s CEO and Executive Director, in consultation with the GMA President, makes appointments to the Children and Youth Advisory Council.  If you are interested in serving on the Children and Youth Advisory Council, please complete this interest form for consideration.