FY24 Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building

Posted: July 26, 2024

Deadline: September 4, 2024

Grantor: Department of Housing and Urban Development

Additional Information

This grant is available to states, Federally recognized Native American Tribes that have a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-authorized lead abatement certification program, cities, and counties/parishes, or other units of local government which have either not received a direct HUD lead hazard control grant or were a previous grantee.


Application Deadline:  September 4, 2024

Funding of approximately $50,000,000 is available through this NOFO HUD expects to make approximately 22 awards from the funds available under this NOFO.


HUD is looking to grant these awards to applicants who can demonstrate the capacity to implement the following objectives: 

  • Build local capacity to determine the prevalence of childhood lead poisoning among children under six years in the targeted community(ies);
  • Build local capacity to safely and effectively address lead hazards during lead hazard control and renovation, remodeling, and maintenance activities by integrating lead-safe work practices;
  • Developing and implementing procedures/guidelines for program activities that include program intake of potential program participants and establishing a system, or process that will facilitate lead-safe units to be affirmatively marketed to families with young children, such as advertising available units to such families where lead-based paint hazards have been controlled;
  • Hire qualified staff with experienced organizational management and financial capacity to immediately execute the program upon receipt of a grant award;
  • Promote collaboration, data sharing, and targeting between health and housing departments;
  • Developing key partnerships/subgrantees such as: faith-based, health departments, coalitions, or other community-based organizations;
  • Integrating strategies to incorporate lead hazard control into existing housing repair programs; (e.g., housing rehabilitation, local housing ordinance, property maintenance, weatherization, housing-related health hazard interventions, and energy conservation activities);
  • Obtaining high quality data to target resources where need is greatest; and
  • Developing systems for sustaining a lead hazard control program after successful completion of a capacity building grant program.


There is a 10% match requirement for this grant opportunity.

Shared costs or matching funds and contributions must not be paid by another Federal award, except where the Federal statute authorizing a program specifically provides that Federal funds made available for such program can be applied to matching or cost sharing requirements of other Federal programs. CDBG and HOME funds are allowed to be used to satisfy match requirements.


Questions about the NOFO or for further assistance, applicants should contact 

Victoria L Jackson


Learn more about the NOFO on the HUD website here.

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