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Georgia Departments Are Engaging Tomorrow’s Public Servants, Today

October 18, 2024

By Alia Hoyt

To better engage Georgia’s youth, a number of police and fire departments across the state have developed programs that are both educational and extremely fun for the often difficult-to-reach teenaged sect.

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Tackling the Challenges of Recruitment and Retention

October 18, 2024

Sara Baxter

The city of Rockmart participated in GCS’s Jobs with Purpose Initiative and, with the guidance of a consultant, came up with creative ideas to solve the problem.

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Promoting Workforce Development in Municipalities

January 16, 2024

Sara Baxter

Lake City and the City of Griffin have found creative, cost-effective ways to attract new employees and keep existing ones happy.

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State and Local Government Workforce Survey 2023 Survey Findings

July 1, 2023

Mission Square Research Institute

The 2023 survey shows that state and local governments continue to face severe labor shortages and are deploying new strategies to attract and retain public service workers.

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Six Tips to Recruit and Retain Generation Z for Local Government

Six Tips to Recruit and Retain Generation Z for Local Government

March 10, 2023


No, not everyone under 40 is a Millennial; Generation Z (generally understood to have been born between 1995 and 2012) is here, and they are coming in droves!

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Georgia Municipal Workforce Development Strategy and Playbook

June 21, 2022

This report serves as roadmap for GMA, Georgia City Solutions and cities to proactively address their workforce needs through investment, planning, and strategy implementation.

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Georgia's Municipal Workforce Development Needs

February 8, 2022

During GMA's February 8, 2022, Cities Connect call, Greg Wilson with the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia reported on the key takeaways from the municipal workforce needs assessment CVIOG conducted in 2021.

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Georgia Municipal Workforce Needs Assessment Report

February 7, 2022

As part of GMA and Georgia City Solutions' "Jobs With Purpose: Municipal Workforce Development Initiative," a workforce needs assessment was conducted the last half of 2021 to gain a better understanding of the current municipal employment landscape in Georgia. 

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Investing in Your Workplace Culture

October 5, 2021


If you want to attract and maintain the best employees, having a desirable workplace culture definitely pays off.

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State and Local Government Workforce: 2021 Survey

June 1, 2021

Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE)

The Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE) has conducted an annual workforce survey since 2009. This survey of human resource professionals tracks key challenges facing state and local governments in the recruitment and retention of talented employees and the strategies being employed to manage and compensate those staff.

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Webinar: GMA's "Starts With Me!" Workforce Development Campaign

April 10, 2021

In this April 9, 2021, webinar, Cheryl Musial with Topdog Creative + Strategy provides an overview of GMA's "Starts With Me!" workforce development campaign while Cedartown City Manager Edward Guzman shows how the city is using the campaign resources to more effectively recruit.

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Grooming Employees for the Future

February 22, 2021

Sara Baxter

Plagued by the challenges of looming retirements, a competitive job market and compensation issues, city governments are finding ways to cultivate their own employees.

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‘Be WHO You Needed When YOU Were Younger:’ Attracting Young Adults to the Workforce

October 12, 2020

By Nikki Perry

Upon entering the workforce during the Great Recession of 2008, many millennials took whatever employment was available and are still job-hopping to catch up on their careers. Now in 2020, as Generation Z begins graduating college, they face similar prospects in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic that abruptly halted a booming economy. Welcome to adulthood, Gen Z.

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State and Local Government Workforce: 2020 Survey

April 1, 2020

Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE)

The Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE) and its partners published their 2020 workforce survey, focusing on emerging issues such as flexible workplace policies, positions that are difficult to fill, and the reasons for separation as discussed in exit interviews.

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Room to Grow: New Frontiers for Apprenticeships

February 14, 2018

Burning Glass Technologies & Harvard Business School

While popular elsewhere, apprenticeships represent a relatively small number of jobs in the United States. This report assesses the potential for apprenticeships to address the skills gap and other barriers to workforce development in the national economy. 

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