Reference Articles

Displaying Items 271-285 (of 665)

GMA Hosts Georgia DPH Commissioner & Georgia Mayors for “It’s Worth a Shot” Vaccine Awareness Press Conference

April 22, 2021

On April 15, Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) Commissioner Dr. Kathleen Toomey and city leaders from across the state joined GMA in a press conference to promote the “It’s Worth a Shot” COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign.

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Preparing Today’s Youth to Be Tomorrow’s Leaders

April 22, 2021

Sara Baxter

Youth engagement programs can come in many shapes and sizes and are vital to youth development.

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Celebrating the 52nd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week

April 21, 2021

The 52nd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week is happening May 2-8!

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Facing Our Sustainability and Resiliency Challenges

April 19, 2021

Nikki Perry

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the terms “sustainability” and “resiliency” have taken on renewed significance. Though Georgia’s changing weather patterns do not pose an immediate threat like the pandemic, the trend is a slow-brewing crisis that necessitates long-term changes for the state’s municipal governments.

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Vaccine Media Training for City Leaders

April 14, 2021

Ben Kaplan, CEO of TOP Worldwide, advises GMA members on how to message and use media to effectively promote the COVID-19 vaccine.

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The Power of Cute, Affordable Townhouses

Public Square

April 13, 2021

Robert Steuteville, Congress for the New Urbanism

In his latest article, Robert Steuteville with the Congress for the New Urbanism writes how “cute townhomes” could help fill the “missing middle” housing need in cities that have walkable neighborhoods.

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Webinar: GMA's "Starts With Me!" Workforce Development Campaign

April 10, 2021

In this April 9, 2021, webinar, Cheryl Musial with Topdog Creative + Strategy provides an overview of GMA's "Starts With Me!" workforce development campaign while Cedartown City Manager Edward Guzman shows how the city is using the campaign resources to more effectively recruit.

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Georgia Gems: Tybee Island Recognized for Coastal Resilience

April 5, 2021

The City of Tybee Island has become a national model community for flood mitigation, recently winning the 2020 Best Restored Beach award. Only six U.S. beaches earn this annual distinction from the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association for innovative solutions to unique problems.

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Georgia Department of Community Affairs: Georgia Rental Assistance Program

April 5, 2021

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) began administering the State of Georgia Rental Assistance Program (GRA) in early March 2021. GRA can help renters with past due rent obtain assistance for rental arrears and utilities. Payment will be made directly to landlords and utility providers.

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GMA Federal Focus: FCC Announces New Low-Income Emergency Broadband Benefit

April 5, 2021

By Angelina Panettieri, Legislative Director, Information Technology and Communications, NLC

On February 26, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced the rules for a new Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB), funded for a one-time amount of $3.2 billion, which will be available until expended or until six months after the COVID-19 emergency declaration expires.

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Cybersecurity: Keep Your City Safe from Hackers

April 5, 2021

In the past few years many Georgia cities have been victims of hacking or ransomware attacks, which have in some cases caused complete work stoppage and cost the affected cities thousands of dollars.

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Normalizing Virtual Volunteerism

April 5, 2021

Volunteering looks a little different now than it did a year ago. The COVID-19 pandemic forced organizations across Georgia to rethink how they could continue operating—if at all—and how to safely welcome volunteers eager to lend a hand.

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Cities Further Innovations in Technology

April 5, 2021

Georgia’s cities aren’t sitting on the sidelines when it comes to innovation. Across the state, local leaders are welcoming new technology to help boost their economies and add in-demand resources. 

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The Value of Cities Data Dive: Population Growth

April 5, 2021

Georgia is by all accounts a growing state. But like an awkward teenager, this growth is not evenly distributed. While the aggregate population of Georgia’s cities increased by more than 20% over the last 10 years (compared to about 10% for the entire state), a closer look at the data shows some divergent —and familiar—patterns.

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Legislating and Lobbying in the ‘New Normal’

April 5, 2021

“Our governmental relations team, in concert with the Legislative Policy Council and city officials, will continue to advocate for the principles of home rule and local control on behalf of all of Georgia’s cities,” said Tom Gehl, GMA governmental relations director. “We thank the city officials who have participated in the legislative process this year, provided feedback on bills and communicated with legislators that cities are united, even in the new normal for legislating and lobbying.”

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Displaying Items 271-285 (of 665)