This ACA Training document is for informational purposes only, and is not legal advice or a substitute for legal advice. It is designed only for employers that offer the Health Plan administered by the Georgia Municipal Association on behalf of the Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System, and contains information that is not applicable to other employers. This ACA Training document reflects the presenter’s understanding of certain requirements of the Affordable Care Act as they existed in December, 2024 and current GMA practices for making certain data available to Applicable Large Employers for purposes of ACA reporting. While this ACA Training Session describes certain eligibility provisions of the Health Plan, it is not an official document of the Health Plan. Only the official Health Plan documents establish the terms of the Health Plan.
This Training Session is designed only for Applicable Large Employers (as defined by the ACA -those with 50 or more ACA Full-Time Employees and Full-Time Equivalents) that offer the GMEBS Health Plan. Slides 1-15 provide important information about general ACA reporting obligations for ALEs, the ACA Certification to GMA required for all Participating Employers, and a description of the data GMA makes available to ALEs for ACA reporting purposes. The rest of the slides provide a deep dive into ACA reporting with examples.
Download a PDF of the slides used in this presentation (PDF, 2MB).